Monday, April 23, 2012

[FA] Lobster Fight Live (ACU wars)

Lobster Fight Live - ACU Wars
For those who don't know, Lobster Fight Live aka Lobster mod is a small mod that tweaks the balance of Blackops Advanced Command Units for the purpose of an ACU War. Standard game settings are...
Mods: Lobster Fight Live, Blackops Advanced Command Units and Blackops Icon Support
Optional: Blackops Unleashed
Map: ACU Lab 1, Lobster Arena 1a or similar no-econ arena-style map
Victory: Assassination
Unit Cap: 250
Unit Restrictions: No experimental, naval, land, air, nukes or game enders
If that sounds restrictive don't worry too much because you can do quite a lot with just your ACU and a few structures. A moderate sized economy is provided automatically so you don't need to worry about resources, at least at the start, and most games begin with teammates assisting each other with T2 engineering upgrades. All factions have some form of T2 engineering station and a huge variety of ACU upgrades that allow for a variety of play styles. Regardless of the path you choose it is vital that you and your teammates fully upgrade your ACUs as fast as possible. After that it's simple. All you have to do is figure out how to isolate and kill the enemy ACUs while making sure they don't kill you :)
Download: Search vault for Lobster

NOTE: The Lobster version number indicates which version of Blackops it is for (ie Lobster 3.1x is for Blackops ACU 3.1). The Lobster version letter indicates which build it is (ie Lobster 3.1b is more recent than 3.1a).
Version v3.1b (Latest Version)
Credit to TVG Mod and BulletMagnet for some UI layout code and regen display assistance
-Increased T3 Radar omni radius from 55 to 60
-Reduced Cybran Perimeter Monitor maximum vision radius from 80 to 65
-Reduced resource storage to 20k/600k
-Reduced teleport energy cost from 375k to 300k
-Reduced base resource generation to 100/10k
-Increased mass production for standard engineering to 10/25/50
-Adjusted energy production for engineering paths to 500/1000/2500
-Increased base build rate from 20 to 25
-Adjusted build rates for combat engineering to 50/100/150
-Adjusted build rates for standard engineering to 50/150/300
-Increased base regen rate from 10 to 50
-Adjusted health regen for standard engineering to +50/100/150
-Adjusted health regen for combat engineering to +50/125/250
-Increased health boost for combat engineering to 3k/9k/18k
-Adjusted health and regen for Seraphim and Cybran back upgrades
-Minor adjustments to UEF/Aeon shield health and recharge rates
-Unit information now displays regen rate
-Unit information now displays shield health and regen rate
-Updated info boxes for all upgrades (may be some errors)
-Increased unit cap cost of ACU from 1 to 100
-Disabled UEF tactical nuke
Known Issues...
-0 capacity for UEF ACU tactical missiles

Version v3.1a
-Quick fix for Blackops 3.1 compatibility

Version v2.9a
-Aeon and Seraphim can now build Cybran Hives at T2
-Cybran level 4 shields can now be directly built at T3
-Aeon Eye vision radius is reduced from 45 to 9
-Cybran Perimeter Monitor vision radius is reduced from 200 to 80
-T3 Radar Omni Radius reduced from 200 to 55
-ACU default build rate is increased from 10 to 20
-ACU build rates for engineering path are increased from 30/90/20 to 40/120/360
-ACU Build rates for combat engineering path are increased from 30/90/120 to 40/120/240
-ACU generates 125 mass and 12500 energy
-ACU stores 22500 mass and 750000 energy
-ACU teleport costs 375000 energy
-ACU anti-teleport is removed
-Aeon ACU Miasma Artillery changed to rapid fire mortar attack
-Aeon ACU Phason beam damage increased from 40/160/650 to 80/240/720
-Cybran ACU Maser beam damage increased from 50/200/800 to 100/300/900
-Seraphim ACU Lambda HP increased from 6k/12k/20k to 12k/20k/30k
|||Once again, A Vault only mod >.>|||Pst its TVg and not TVG BrockSamson and teleblocking seems to be working again I think this is due to a chance with the anti-tele code that was made a few versions back.|||brandon007|||Lt_hawkeye|||Um Brock you might want to make note of what Version of BO:ACUs you are using as there have been a decent amount of changes between v2.9 & v3.0 specifically dealing with the intel trees & teleport that people have complained about. It also includes the ability to hook custom regen values into the ACU as well like you asked for. :)|||I made a note about version numbers to hopefully clarify that a little bit, and yes, thanks for the regen change. Anything specific about the teleport and intel? Ken, what do you mean by teleblocking?
Since the mod is so small and usually downloaded as players join a match the Vault is the easiest, fastest and most obvious place to host this mod. However, you are welcome to rehost it elsewhere (or suggest places where I can).|||Basically I was curious if you noticed I rewrote the intel trees on 3 factions to remove the stealth/teleport mechanic alot of people complained was too OP. The teleport is still there but they have been reworked on both range and charge time. Granted still dirt cheap energy wise. Haven't heard any complaints but haven't really gotten any comments on either yet considering how much people bugged me over both.
I can dig up the exact numbers if you need me to as I can't find the thread post. The quick description on the new intel mechanics are here:
6th Post down.
Also in 3.0+ I reworked the teleport blocker script in BO:ACUs so that it doesn't interfere with any mods hooking the teleport thread (I moved it to another function) so unless you specificly set the teleport blocker value in my ACU's BP to 0 the fields will probobly be active again.
EDIT: Blackops is planning a new release soon so I will make sure the regen sync is in the next version.|||I don't currently mess with any BO scripts I just change BP values. To remove the ACU anti-teleport I simply set the radius to 0. I do plan to go back and look at the teleport balance but I don't think it will need much change for Lobster because we played a lot of 3.1a games and nothing jumped out as being an issue.|||On vault accessibility, Seiya, it's not foolproof or bulletproof, a secondary hosting location will always be useful to many legit customers.

Regarding UI regen display, I don't mind BrockSamson adding UI Regen Display to his mod.
I do however mind if Exavier takes _Any_ code of mine without asking.
Considering I've had to fix yet another malicious incompatibility of his making, I'm still upholding that.

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