I want to mod the SC2 formations to spread the units out twice as much as they are spread currently.
I use reverse click, so my units won't look goofy when walking or standing around. If someone used formations as default they probably would not want what I am proposing.
However, having a single click option that would allow me to command my units to spread out to a spread formation would be a great method of countering big AOE attacks and a good formation for engaging unit which wield such weapons.
I found Machater's thread which mixes the formation better, but I am not sure which files he edited to accomplish this. I am hoping someone could help me with this.|||If SC2 has a formations.lua that's anything like FA's, this can be done. However, again, if it's anything like FA's, I would not want to be the one to do it, because yikes that file is a mess.
This would have to be a sim mod, so it'd only be good for skirmish.|||I think this is controlled by the engine in SC2 only forcing a console command every game it can be done PM Machater he'll be able to help you.
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