Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lets use these mods!

There is a lot of hard work gone into these mods and its nearly impossible to get a game with them online where they belong. so I thought it might be a good idea for all you mod users to post what mods they would like to play online and there gpgnet id so if we see each other we can get the invites out...
my fave mods
Im Lt_Trog on gpgnet if you see invite me|||Good idea!
We use these mods:
Here is only a recompilation, not my work!
Do I hear something?
No, it must be the wind...
:)|||normalius|||normalius|||Do you think it's enough to say things LOUD and dirty to be right?
Fine, be happy to always win by this tactic. I don't care about you, Resin.|||normalius|||Resin_Smoker|||normalius|||Resin_Smoker

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