This mod includes most changes of FA Beta patch 3603.
Transports were left as they were in 3599.
Due to issues with armordefinitions.lua acu deathnuke has been reduced to 2000 inner ring damage and 500 outer ring damage.
Version 6.1 is now available from the GPGnet vault.
Uninstall any previous versions before downloading.
V1: Initial release
V2: Minor bug fixes
V3: Typo correction
V4: General bug fixes
V5: Additional balance changes
V5.1: Fixed bug that prevented vault upload and fixed UEF T3 Bomber's missing file.
V6: Additional balance changes
V6.1: Reversed some changes
For a list of all changes made in this mod please consult the original 3603 Beta Patch release thread.
New in V6.1
*T2 Mobile Shield
-Energy consumption now 10 more than the original.
*T2 Transports
-HP nerf removed
*Armored Command Unit
-Fixed a bug that caused it to deal damage to friendly units (credit to FuryoftheStars)
New in version 6:
*T2 Mobile Shield
- Shield HP reduced by 500
- Energy consumption reduced by 10
- Built time increased by 10% (Aeon: 792 from 720/UEF: 660 from 600)
*T2 Transports
-HP reduced by 10%
*T3 Air factory
-Energy cost reduced to 72000 from 105000
Mass cost reduced to 2750 from 3150
*Aeon T3 AA Gunship: Restorer
- 500 HP increase
- Energy cost increased by 4000
- AA weapon damage increased to 71 * 2 from 65 * 2
*T2 Point Defense: Cerberus
-Decreased damage to 13 from 14
*T2 Shield Generator: ED5
- Fixed typo in energy cost. Down to 26666 from 266666
New in version 5:
-Now you can disable/enable score
-Added unit sharing conditions
(Requires the FA ladder mod)
*Mobile Shield Generator: Asylum
-Shield Health set to 4300
-Shield Regenrate set to 58
-Now requires 115 E to operate
*T4 Experimental Aircraft Carrier: CZAR
-Increased health to 58000 from 48000
-Decreased crash damage from 15000 to 10000
*T2 Point Defense: Cerberus
-Increased damage to 14 from 9
*T2 Shield Generator: ED5
-Decreased mass cost to 1800
-Decreased energy cost to 266666
-Decreased build time to 1400
-Increased shield health to 15000
*T1 Assault Bot: Mantis
-Increased turret yaw speed to 90
*T3 Submarine Hunter: Yathsou
-Decreased speed to 5 from 6
*T1 Anti-Air Turret
-Reduced mass and energy cost by 25%
-Reduced build time by 25%
-Reduced health to 800 from 1200
*T2 Artillery Installation
-Reduced mass and energy cost by 25%
-Reduced build time by 25%
*T2 Anti-Air Flak Artillery
-Reduced mass and energy cost by 30%
-Reduced health by 30%
*T1 Air Scout
-Reduced energy cost to 1300 from 1600
-Reduced build time to 17 from 20
*T1 Attack Bomber
-Increased build time|||oh god, so it is 2500 for all units?

And why not leave transports like 3603 and just remove guettos?|||Did you fix the 800k nuke sub cost?|||X-Cubed|||Thank you so much for this!
Will make it much easier to host 3603 games.
Merry Christmas everyone!

there is the patch release notes for anyone who didnt actually get 3603 beta.
The only thing that remains as 3599 is the transports, ghettos were not the problem, the problem was the fact the t2 transports were so cheap they could be used to rival interceptors....
deathnuke is 2500 to everything.|||oh, and speaking of sub nukes, i think 800k is NOT a mistake, perhaps a little expensive, but still affordable. The mass cost is less than a nuke silo, and this energy cost accounts for the fact its a mobile nuke silo, with effective cruiser-like TMLs. LD wont be making balance changes as its not up to us to decide, the 3603 beta patch was tested and was found to be mostly fine, better than 3599 anyway. transports were the only sucky thing.|||It's unaffordable and utterly useless BUT STILL TOTALLY FINE EVERYBODY|||razsammy|||Quick Question since this changes to the units all to 3603 Stats if I want to use the CBFP I should use the one for 3603 Correct?|||razsammy|||Kenquinn|||the CBF shouldn't be changing any balance details. as long as the 3603 Mod is loaded first, the CBF should still work perfectly.|||Move that to FA general, few peoples come here, and we need this to be widely used.|||the sub nuke it not useless, it costs 65% of the mass of a Nuke silo, and about 3.5x more energy. the drain of -2400 to make it in the naval yard is not too expensive for a NUKE SUB, seeing as the missiles now only take 5 minutes to build. If it was a typo, and the cost should be 80k energy, thats 3x LESS energy than a silo... = OP.
I made a topic in FA general linking to this topic (because nobody comes here!!) and LD made remmy delete it ....|||LD, why don't you just include the CBF (not the balance, but fixes) in this fashion mod?|||Merak|||But have no balance of 3603. If CBF works fine with this mod, then will be...ahh, fine.
I mean, all players will use it in gpg, with no bugs.|||the important big fixes are there, one i know for sure is fixed is the pausing mex still draining mass bug.|||Perhaps this mod brings me back to FA since month of abstinence.
Good work LD.|||Thank you, LD. It's great

Or maybe LD doesnt want his server to get pillaged, in which case just add some text telling people to get it from the Vault.
Hrms, hopped onto GPGNet just to see, 11 games in custom but none are using this, sadface.|||GPG approved?|||Ertwyu|||tried to play it using sorian AI no naval no nukes on a non-naval map
AI just sits there walking around starting point not building.
disabled your mod, worked like normal.
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