The Nomads mod is a projected started by a group called Infrared modding, some time ago. It features a fifth faction for Supcom FA called the Nomads. I don't know if they're supposed to be human or an alien race, doesn't really matter. They don't have access to gating technology like the other 3 or 4 factions seem to have. Instead they use space ships to move around the galaxy. On the battlefield they favor firepower and rate of fire of common weapons (rockets, missiles, generic unguided shells) over armor and health and other fancy stuff (beams, etc).
Somewhere in 2009 the project, although finished for about 65%, was abandonned.
A first attempt to finish the mod was undertaken quite soon after the project was abandoned by Infrared modding. During that time I got a hold of the most recent version at that time. When the first attempt stranded it seemed like no-one else did anything with the mod.
Some time ago I found the mod on my harddisk again and after some thinking and tinkering I decided I'd give it another try to finish it.
Mod details
The mod will most likely not be mod manager compatible. This also means it won't be in the vault like most of the regular mods. It looks like it just isn't possible.
Instead I'm leaning towards an installer that installs the required files and creates a shortcut to launch FA with Nomads enabled. It's most likely gonna work in such a way that you can either play with Nomads or without it by chosing one of two shortcuts. I'm not sure how this will work online through GPGnet. But I've already confirmed the current method works flawless during multiplay games (yep, I'm play-testing with a friend regularly!)
Current state
There is no download link yet!
Currently the mod is still being developed by me exclusively. I've been fixing what needs fixing, removing what doesn't work or is not Nomad-like (a beam weapon here and there), improving code everywhere and adding new features. It's gonna take a bit more time for me to finish coding.
There are some units missing. I can model a bit myself but I'm texturing is just not my thing. I tried it but failed miserably. I'm hoping someone else can give me a hand with finishing the units listed below. If you'd like to help please post a message or send me a PM before starting working. I probably have some specs for each unit.
An uncomplete list of models still lacking in the mod:
- T3 battleship
- T3 battlecruiser
- T2 torpedo boat
- SCU factory
- light land experimental
- an orbital gun (Nomads version of T3 or T4 artillery)
- an orbital surface operations vehicle
- a dropship (brings the ACU to the planets surface at game start)
- a TMD
- possibly a T3 SAM
- possibly a T3 mobile anti air unit
When all models are in and coding is done the next phase is (probably) testing and balancing. For this I'm gonna need the FA community. But not yet, the mod is still being developped.
Some time soon I'll update this post with something of a planning.
[original opening post]
Has tne Nomads mod ever been finished? Is someone still working on it?
If no on both, would anyone mind if I try to finish it?|||brute51|||Got it too. Yes a few models needed and the code is a mess and someone added some pretty weird stuff. Still there is a lot of cool stuff in it too.
If anyone is willing to texture a few models for me I think I can do the rest of it (but if someone wants to help...). Still, I just like to know if I'm not doing anything someone else has already done.|||Well that has always been the stopping point.... models.
I'd of finished it long ago otherwise.
Resin|||I still have the unmodified core files from when it was originally turned over to us from the original team that was working on it... As well as the little bit of modified work I had been working on when we tried to organize a group to finish it off.
It really only has 2 major problems with it:
1) T3+ isn't really finished model/texture wise and some of the other stuff could use refinement on weapons effects & balance.
2) None of the mods files are hooked properly and the whole thing is coded in a game overwrite fassion which means that it is not Mod Manager compatable. In fact the installation of it (or subsiquent uninstall if you wana play online again) is annoying enough that I wouldn't recommend it to the average player... especially with how many problems I have seen people have just trying to use a zip install version of a normal mod.
The 2nd issue wouldn't be too bad considering some of the files can't be run from the mod manager (Lobby stuff) but it woulda been alot easier to sort through and finish if it the stuff that could be was properly hooked to begin with.

Resin|||I can't say for sure, but I might be able to at least give the missing models a try in the near future. I should have a bit more time during this summer. I have some stuff to do for BO projects first and foremost sure, but after those I could at least see if the Nomad stuff is doable.
I'd also like to see this thing finished, just a shame to leave it hanging.|||Why not just incorporate Nomads into Black-OP's ?
Resin|||I should confess I didn't just post this thread, I've been working on the Nomads mod for some time now. I've removed lots of junk and bugged code and added some new features. I'm giving a try to finish it so that's why I wanted to know if Nomads is sfinished already or if someone else is working on it.
I might need a little help here and there though.
I'd like to keep my effort seperate from any other mod (group).|||yes thanks a lot brute51 but you should have made this declaration before because most of us thought that nomads was dead...thanks to you, they are alive, Nomads FTW!|||Hi,
Its awesome you would pick this mod up and ty to complete it.. nice one..
i to would like this mod see the light of day, if there is anything i can do to help
just ask and i will :) you are not alone. :)|||AWSOMMME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||One of the best ways to gather support, would be to compile screenshots of all the units and various effects completed as of yet, by both the original party and of individual modders, thus...
Please post any screenshots of your own personal progress
Next thing you know the NOMAD resurrection mod will be right on track.|||Wow, Its not dead? Im so excited =p
Though one thing.. One of the Nomad's tank designs is almost identical to one of my seraphim's tanks designs =p
Should be interesting to see XD|||brandon007|||I'm still busy with Nomads. Currently I'm going through all the units and fix what needs fixing, remove what doesn't work and changing weapons and adding new features here and there. So although it's silent at the moment around this mod I'm still working on it almost every moment of my free time. I've done the majority of the unit stuff by the way, but that doesn't mean it's close to being done.
It still needs a few units and I'm looking for people to help me create these units. Especially the models (with textures) are needed at the moment. I'll update the first post with a list of units that need to be created.
When all units have been added it is time to start balancing the faction. The original team has some weird ideas about balancing (probably didn't balance at all). This mod is gonna need a large team of testers and balancers. But not yet; the mod is still being developped.
I've been thinking about what more to do with this mod besides adding the fifth faction and this is where I'd like some input. I've been thinking about turning this into an expansion pack of some sort, rather than just a fifth faction. I'd like to add a loading movie (what you see between the lobby and actual playing) and an intro movie. Also it could contain the CBFP mod, the WOF mod (with permission), Domino's UI enhancements (with permission) and some other cool mods (with permission). Maybe even a campaign of some sort (I'd really like to do this). I do want to leave out new units (other than Nomad units) and other balance changes as this always seems leads to arguments, etc.
What do you guys think about this? Ofcourse any of this additional stuff would be started only after the Nomads as a faction is working and in the balancing phase.
[After this post I'll update the first post]|||I think you have some great goals to achieve and I applaud you! Like others, I am very much looking forward to this!|||Good Stuff,
You can use any part of any of my mods pal.. Np :)
i can also help with the faction video's and loading screen..
the help will come in the form of converting the videos you provide to the games format + making them play when the faction is selected.. infact ive already done a faction loading screens mod and main menu background movie change for all factions..
the thread with the link is on the forum.. if the link is dead.. i will upload again for you to take a look.. and maybe use :)
i blow at actually creating loading screen movies.. and animations.. but im adept at making them play in fa.. :) just for ref, movies dont have sound.. these are called from a wav bank when the movie starts playing.. so when creating the video.. it doesnt need sound.. :) you create this differently, which im sure already know.. however i thought id post that tit bit anyway. :)|||Thanks Domino that would help!
By the way I wanted to post a few video files but they turned out to be huge! I'll see if I can put up some screenshots soon instead.|||brute51|||I think I just shat my pants in excitement!
I do hope the nomads finally gets finished!|||Stin|||chosan|||This is going to be fun to play =p I had the Kardo going, but as soon as the project was dead to start with...
Good to know The Nomads are up and kicking ^^|||Yep it is. Kirvesnaama is helping with some modelling and texturing work. Looks great!
In a small progress report: I've stripped nearly all weapons that don't fit the Nomads. This includes a flame thrower (sorry about that, it has various problems and it just doesn't fit!), various beam weapons (including a beam-SAM) and the shield drone, if anyone knows about that one. Almost all units use more regular weapons now, like rockets, missiles and unguided projectile weapons (cannons, etc). There is one unit that still uses a beam and it's an experimental.
Currently I'm working on adding placeholder units. This way I can get all of the units in the game even though the models arent finished yet. I'm still looking for another modeller / texturer to help out.
When the placeholders are in I'll focus on the underlying code base which is still a mess in some areas.
By the way, I still like feedback on my earlier post; what do you expect from the Nomads mod? Would you like it to be just another (cool) faction or would you like some other stuff included aswell (campaign, etc). This makes it more an expansion pack than a mod.
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