Yes its tracking 4 different units at the same time.. in real time!
Here is a BETA RELEASE for you to test..
Version 3:
if you downloaded beta's 1, 2 please delete these mods and follow these steps..
extract and put the multi_screen folder in your mods folder... enable in the mod manager..
main screen splits can be accessed by tapping the HOME key (multiple times to change layout)
layouts are single, double, triple, quad right and quad left.
secondry screen splits are accessed by tapping the END key (multiple times to change layout)
layouts are single, double, triple and a 4 way quad split.
double click any split to zoom to that location double click again to zoom out.
HOLD THE NUMPAD_DIVIDE key "/" and move the mouse while zoomed in to rotate or pan the camera .. click middle mouse or space to exit this mode. you can zoom while in free mode..
Press T while a unit is selected to track that unit in any split
NOTE: only one unit MUST be selected to enable tracking for that unit.
just hover the mouse over a different split to track a different unit in that split.
press Ctrl + T to switch the split under the mouse to the main view, basicly the camera will switch places with main view..
NOTE: when switching .. you will not be able to switch views if the mouse is currently over the main view.. because there is nothing to switch to.. only splits to main view can be switched not main view to split.. this is because you cant tell which split view you want the main view to goto... there is multiple choice..
i could code in that if you main view is toggled to switch.. ALL views snap to this view.. we can decide that later..
Version 3 adds a function called ActiveSplitParent() to return then screen parent if you have split the screen, it will return the parent for the current split.
it is located in /multi_screen/lua/mod_tools/mod_tools.lua
this is mainly for ui modders to make there ui compatable with multi_screen if there are problems :)
ok thats about it for now again...
if you find a bug please let me know.. so i can correct it.
as usual comments always welcome. :)|||ok, im not gonna lie, THAT IS ******* AWESOME
i wonder, can you increase the amount of splits? like say, eight?
edit: also, can you make the split show up on different monitors, like using your current fours split, can i have 2 show up on 1 monitor and the other 2 on a different one?|||HOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GIMME >:O|||Lt_hawkeye|||LT,
i think it would split down the middle of 2 screen as it is.. actually
if i set my screen rez to horizontal span both screens..
defo would work without me changing anything.. :)
however ill look into making it default across both screens without doing that.|||i would say, for 8 screens it would be 4 and 4 on each monitor
8 screens on a single monitor might be a bit too small, unless of course you have a gigantic monitor
8 splits might also be a bit much, if anything i would prefer a 4-1 split
main monitor would just have the single split and my secondary would have the 4 screens.
if you are able to make it so each screen can..say have a total of 8 splits with each montor being independent of the other, then i think that would be the best solution overall for this type of system, that way a person can have 2 splits on one monitor and then 6 on the second

Either way it is still pretty awesome, nothing liek watching your base, your ACU and your Attacking army all at once!
Mike|||It's UI layout and worldview manipulation, so yeah, it should be UI-only.|||Just one word : IMPRESSIVE !|||Would it be possible to remove the "Snap back" when the point of view is changed or rotated around a unit... I like being able to set a view but hate it when the view automaticaly snaps back to it's original position.
Makes it hard to test stuff and make videos of as well.
Resin|||Before I add my 2 cp's... I gota say this is some of the best work I've seen you do thus far.
As for my suggestions....The best possible setup, assuming that someone has dual monitors. Would be to allow the split on the extra monitor and keep the main view clean. This way a player can track four seperate events apart from their main view, interact with those events directly from the mini screens and if needed, hot key that view to have thier main view jump to that location. (I.E. that mini screens view just became the main view)
Maybe having someway to configure the number of screen via the player preferences so it becomes the defualt for that specific player would do it. Least that way from the moment it's set the game would always run from the last set of preference choosen by the player.
thanks for all the comments...
yeah it can be ui-only..
also figured out why the mini-map can only do cartagraphic view its because you cant layer 2 different cams ontop of each other.. i think this flaw also resides in supcom vanilla but as the ui is different in vanilla it was never noticed.. ie the worldview is much smaller in vanilla and the mini-map is top left (not overlapping worldview)
regards vanilla its a guess.. but for fa that is the problem with the mini-map
ill add also that the mini-map uses the exact same tecnique for showing the map
as i have done here.. with the four way split..
more work to be done tonight.. :)|||Hi,
Sweet IDEAS resin, ill try my best to implement all of them.. :)|||NEXT LEVEL MICRO MANEUVER!
Dude, I WANT THIS >:llllllllllllllll
Only so I'll feel more like I'm in the ACU XD|||DormantMatriarch|||When you finally release this mod, I shall finally have a good reason to get a second monitor

While the normal split screen doesn't appeal to me, the thought of having one clean main with a secondary monitor split into two is very appealing. Keep up the good work! Can't wait till this mod is done.|||Hi,
lil update..
GAWD, what a mess... THE UI CODING IS!!!!
making no headway at all moving the splits to a second screen.. ive successfully got it on the second screen BUT i lost screen 1 map.. although all the controls were still on there.. :/
its because all the controls go off mapgroup which is set in borders.lua.. almost all ui elements use mapgroup as there base.. from gamemain.lua.. its spegetti!!!|||good job as usual domino, he continues to the physical ....

I actually prefer to use a larger single screen than multiple screens, so as it is looks great.
I can understand why people might want it as described above for dual screens though.
Nicely done. I'd love to give it a try.|||Hi,
CanRaps|||Just saw this...that is really awesome!

Lil update,
Got a working version!
ive disabled splits on the main screen and added 1 - 4 splits on a second monitor.. with tracking in each split..
what imma do next is re-enable the splits on the main screen..
and add the ability to change the splits layout each time the split hotkey is pressed..
so we can choose the split layout.. 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 i might even add 1-8 just for laughs..
ill also try and add saving of layouts so each time the game starts it will start up the split layout you last used..
i can also add a hotkey to turn the splits into cartagraphic view if you's want this..
main thing is at this point... i got a full working version.. :)
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