Current Version 0.7 (Beta 1)
Download Link
Thank you for downloading my mod support.
in this readme ill try to explain all the details
you need to use a percific parts of the mod.
ill split it up into sections and give as much info as possible where applicable.
first ill give a quick over view of all the functions.
Mod support will provide help with the following functions.
1. Textures
2. Toggle buttons
3. Ability buttons for custom abilities
4. Unit Descriptions
5. Loc info
6. Enhancement slots
7. Skins
8. Tooltips
9. Layouts
10. Mfd videos
11. Mod Icons on units build icons
12. Multi system energy/mass usage
13. 99% of ui textures are now cached
with regard to number #13, this has the effect of making the UI display its textures infinately faster than anything you have seen before.
Before i get into how to do what, ill just just breifly describe some other things i have added to fix/help various things
1. Template icons, when using mod support you are now able to use custom unit icons as unit construction template icons.
2. Unit view, when you hover you mouse over a unit, the unit view detail shows, you can disable this in a units blueprint
by adding DoNotShowUnitInfo = true, to the units general table.
3. if your testing a mod and you switch to a civilian army, the ui errors out, i have fixed this error..
you can now switch to a civilian army using ui_debugaltclick from the console and it wont error any more. removed for compatabity reason.. will re-implement in a later version.
4. plenty of things i have forgot lol!
Contained within the mods folder is a read-me folder, ive split every part of what this mod can do into a different read-me, so check out those read-me's for info on exactly how to acheive a particular function with this mod enabled.
Ok here are some mods i created using DMS, these mods are for testing and also to see how i added the things ive added to these mods, using the DMS template.
uef t1 landfac
ive added 2 new enhancement slots and ive 1 enhancement on each slot.
the enhancements are PD and a dome shield.
uef commander enhancments
in this mod ive added quite a few new enhancement slots as well as populated these new slots with enhancements like shields, aa, chaingun, energy health boosts.. that kind of thing.
uef t1 engi
in this mod ive added 2 extra enhancement slots to the unit, in these slots ive added an enhancement for each slots.. a speed increase and also a teleporter..
the teleporter is like no other.. when the unit gets to top speed it will teleport to its destination.. its rather cool.. check it out. :)
uef commander ability test mod..
in this mod i demonstrate how to add new ability buttons to your units..
ability button are those on the orders panel that when clicked expect another click
some where on the map to activate or do something at that location..
in the mod i demonstate how to make these type of toggles interact with the unit..
ie calling a function in a units script or just making something happen.
uef commander labs.. something funny..
i created this mod for LD just for fun, it adds a new slot to the unit and a toggle button once you have the legion enhancment, when you click the legion enhancment
the com spawns 50 labs in guard mode.. this mod also makes use the MFD window.
for the sounds.. WE ARE LEGION, WE ARE MANY! quite funny.. :)
Be sure to check these mods if you are a modder..
even if your not a modder have a look at these for fun.
Ok ive released V7 of DMS today ( 22/8/11) this version is beta, to find bugs..
im releasing this along with the new release of 4dc, id very much like feedback on this version if you encounter a bug please report it.. :)
ive added LOTS of new features to this version which is why i want bug reports, BUT i havent been able to update the readme's, the reason for this, is that i totally suck at explaining things.. plus i find it totally boring lol... that said i will do it, very soon..
Ive also changed the way DMS is installed.. from now on it will come in the form of an SCD, so to install the mod, extract the zip to a temp location, open this temp location in windows explorer, copy the file Domino_Mod_Support.scd to your forged alliance gamedata folder... you will then be able to enable/disable the mod in the mod manager.
This is very important, and must be at least once..
right click your forged alliance icon on your destoptop
now click properties
a window will pop open (properties window)
in the target box at the end of the fa path add /purgecache
so now your target box will look similar to this..
"H:\Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance - Modding\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe" /purgecache
click ok
This will compile the new shaders used by DMS, if you do not do this.. your game will seem to crash randomly, however its not random, its because a unit has beem created that uses a new shader.. obviously if you havent done this step.. the shader will not exist.. :)
feedback welcome.|||Hi,
Hmm after 24 hours no one wants to comment on this mod?
:)|||Sounds cool, I'll give it a try.
I'd recommend releasing your own changes (like teleporting) and the mod support part separately.
GreetZ ThaPear|||Hi,
i know i need to write a proper Read-Me
i think i make it sound more complicated than it actually is :/
i will be writing full explanations and a tutorial on how to add full support to your own mod using mod_support ... like how to hook the 2 files and change values contained in them.. also what every value referres to.
Slots, enhancements, tooltips, descriptions and Loc's
ive written quick explanations in the Enhance_commander mod just so people
know what they need to change to use these functions. .. although i do realise this isnt enough. its in the works :)
The adding/editing of textures works right of the box just enable mod_support with your mod/s and put your textures in the correct folder (shadowing default folder paths) there is no scripting or hooking needed to add/change textures, the load times are virtually zero + there is no ui lag thats a win win it works with all the big mods i have tested it with
i mainly released it so the people that have been helping me could see what the hell
ive been doing.. as ive been asking an awefull lot of questions lately and i think i
was pi*****g a few people off which i didnt want to do.
at the moment im trying to simplify it even further changing bits of code here and there (condensing it) this mod is going to be an on going project ill be adding new stuff to it on a regular basis as and when i see something usefull i can simplify and code
one idea ive already posted is that i could predefine lots of slots by looking at all units and adding slots i see as usable by that unit. i can add those slots so they dont get overwriten by users... this way users would just pick the slot in the bp slots { } and no value changing is needed on there part regards to slots unless they want to add one that isnt defined, however they would still have to add descriptions, and tooltips and maybe some Loc info if they preferre to use that system.
its all good :) you never said if you liked it or not

sounds really promising and interesting, but as a player I can only but wait for other modders to take hold of your improvements. Keep up the good work nonetheless.

Ion|||Ion|||Domino.... the one at the top here, is this the one you've recently updated ?
Resin|||i upped that lastnight.. i added the icon thingy today.. so that one in the op.. is old again... gimme 10 mins ill up the new one..|||KK sounds good... BTW I am on Skype if ya wana work on stuff together.
Resin|||BTW I have two 4DC Icon that I've made.... They may require altering depending upon the sizes needed and how they'll be overlaid.
Resin|||i cant skype right now lol.. everyone just came home, tea time :/
send me your icon.. and ill see how it looks..
ill msg you when ive upped the new version. :)|||Updated link to reflect the new download|||Updated again,
now into v4..
fixed a few more little bugs as well as added a few other functions..
imma REDO ALL the read-me's in a more readable fashion.. this week.|||Updated!
ive made a few changes to DMS this last few days...
as im about to release the hunker mod ive had to release this version in its current state..
please download the new version and remove any other versions you have..
i will be updating this mod again over the next week.. as im adding multi use enrgy/mass consumptions.. in progress..
im releasing this version so other dont have to wait another week for the hunker mod.|||4DC will officially support DMS from now on.
You wont be sorry, the mod brings alot of taboo tot he supcom table. :)
Cheers resin! :)|||I assume DMS would conflict with BOGIS, so hunker mod and future 4DC would not work with BO or FAP. Or is there some workaround?|||vilebackup|||Resin_Smoker|||I can confirm that this works with full icon support with (3603 + cbfp v4):
BO Balance
BO SpecWeps
BO NavBal
4DC + 4DC wreckage + 4DC buildpatterns
Powerslave storage
Water World
Terrain deform
The following ran but lacked icon support:
Supreme Shields
Orbital Wars
[EDIT: This was fixed by transferring icon files to /mods/modname/textures/ui/common/icons/units/]
GazUI is incompatible as the UI starts overlapping
ShipWreckage mod stops the game from loading up, not sure why. Im wondering if there is a fix for this.
[EDIT: Turns out ShipWreckage mod had no uid so adding one in fixed the problem]
My initial reservations about compatibility were dashed. Great job, the mod does have good all round support and resin says that it gives greater modding ability (im just an end user, so cant say much about this) and anything that improves supcomFA modding potential is great .
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