It's called WiSoTa (0.4 Download link). As in Wind, Solar and Tidal. To get it to working with other units, all you really need to do is add 'WIND', 'SOLAR' or 'TIDAL' to the categories section. There's some animation stuff which needs to be put in the units LUA file but it's not required. I'm at work so can't upload a video, but think Total Annihilation without the on/off switch or animated solar panels. Everyone likes a picture, so here are a couple of the units it comes with...

Overall it's nothing special, in fact I simplified it a bit more than it used to be as the animations were syncing perfectly and looked weird in-game. As it stands, solar units have no animation, tidal units have a single rotator and wind units have a rotator and unified directional rotator (means wind units turn in to the breeze). A couple of quick sample units are included as well as a basic UI implementation for data read outs.
For global values I put a brief explanation in simInit.lua. This is also where you can set animation speed, min/max energy output, time between ticks and whether the energy source is dynamic. Everything could be hooked and overwritten in the individual unit bp's if the values needed proper tweaking.
I stopped working on it a couple of months ago and have never really gotten back in to things. I wedged it on moddb but figured someone around here might find it useful. Speaking of which, it should desync real quick in network games though I haven't tested it. The wind units all used to sync perfectly when facing in to the wind, but I changed the update timer so they moved more naturally. UI needs finishing and it could do with some models. Aside from that it should be working...?|||Lord Manhammer|||Actually it is serious, from way back in the days when hacked models were still the best viable way to get "new" content for mods. The one unit thats I always think of when it comes to him is the Loyalist with 2 Disintegrators and 2 Electron bolters in a very MadCat-esqe setup.
Mike|||Yer the guys fine that's just the name|||Lord Manhammer >
Didn't you make textured models ?
What is that blue tranparent cube right under the right-most unit ?
Why didn't you wrote an invite to add a little script for getting the 3 new categories automaticaly ?|||Manimal|||His models are looking fine but the (tidal ?) thing with the bluecube under is getting it too @ ModDb.|||Yeah, the blue bit is water. Didn't make much sense having it on the ground as you couldn't see the underside and it looked even stupider just floating. They're not really good enough for final, but work quite well at demonstrating the rotator speed adjustments.|||Very nice models, but no texturing so unplayable, too bad.
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