Monday, April 16, 2012

[FA][WIP]Energy as Maintanance - 04/14/2011

I cannot remember if this is an original idea or someone else mentioned it. I have not been able to find anything indicating someone else had mentioned it in the past, so I am assuming it is my idea. If not, let me know and I will give credit where it is due.
This is an idea I have had running around in my mind for the past 2 weeks or so. It removes energy as a construction requirement and basically makes it used for almost anything else you want to do. The idea is that energy is your ability to support what your army is doing. Movement, firing weapons, building, repair, etc all take a certain amount resources to maintain.

I have a rough mock up going with the below already implemented. I have the definite feeling that there will need to be considerable tweaking involved already.
Building takes a flat amount based on build rate.
All weapons take a certain amount based on damage done.
I am also thinking of adding in moving and especially flight as taking energy. Ground units will take much less energy than flying units would.|||i rememeber this idea, i can't remember who first posted the idea but i do remember, i THINK they might have even made some progress on it, not sure tbh.|||Hi,
have found on old mod month ago with try to doing like this ....
(get all units a maintanance cost of 5% of her build costs ..)
But cant get it running ..... so i delete all.
"I" would basicaly like an mod who give units maintanance costs.
But for me only nice with a little bit "logical" sense in terms of the game ...
Cut the usage of energy from the build process make btw. no sense for me and
destroy in big parts the game balance ... and it takes ages to build with an new system an "good" game balance ...
"I" like more to see for units who need from the sense point of view an energy during usage an maintanance usage ..
Like ->
All not to big units that move - if the unit big it have in the advanced tech stage the game plays self an reactor that give energy for basic tasks ...
Units firing - to generate new ammunition (projectiles) or supply the beam wappon.
Very wide aeare shilds/effects on Units if he have not already an energy usage by active shild/cloak/ ...
I dont like the idea to give buildings maintanance costs .....
Dont see the sense in this.
But this only my ideas ;)
R-TEAM|||It was Rob Devilee with his "Units operational energy requirement".

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