Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that I still consider this to be a BETA mod and as such, you should expect that there may be errors.
VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVqMqz8PgEc
DOWNLOAD V0.4 Beta http://www.mediafire.com/?mylznytk0ztes36
DOWNLOAD V0.5 Beta http://www.mediafire.com/?2lyobgz57pub59i
DOWNLOAD V0.6 Beta http://www.mediafire.com/?62td489zwv2oo9i
INSTALLATION: Uncompress the files and drop them into your /mods folder... Select it within the mods manager and your set!
Q1: What does this do you ask?
A1: It allows for weapon impacts that "kill" a unit, to also throw that unit along the same vector and at a velocity comparible to the level of overkill. This applies to all forms of damage... Direct fire, beam weapons, area attacks, splash damage and of coarse, NUKES!

Units thrown do damage to what ever they hit... so stacking up masses of smaller units can potentialy mean that they all get thrown into the air from an artillery strike. Only to later land on other units and structures to do yet more damage lovely damage.
Better yet, units thrown into the water sink and create corpses !!!
Q2 Does this affect units in transport or attached to transports?
A2 Yes... If the transport dies, it will release all of it's cargo into free fall. The units that survive the free fall (I.E didnt land in water) can still be used normaly.
Q3 Can the units take damage, die and trigger WOF while on the transport?
A3 Yes... Units that trigger WOF while attached to a transport will be released from the suriving transport and be allowed to react to the impact of the weapon that last killed it.
Q4 If i kill a unit and during it's WOF it lands on and kills another unit do i get credit for both kills?
A4 Yes... The attackers information is "remembered" during the WOF event so any other units that die due to the chain reaction will, count as kills for the original attacker. Just think about this one for a second.... Kill a T3 unit and it comes crashing down into a nearby crowd... You'd get credit for any secondary kills !

Q5 Why doesn't this work on Buildings, Aircraft and Ships?
A5 Updated 3/4/2011 Support for buildings and aircraft added! I'll work on adding support for Naval units soon. (Completed: 4/20/2010 by Brute51, V0.6)
Q6 Does WOF work with other mods?
A6 It should but that really depends upon how much the other mod alters unit.lua as WOF is largely based upon it. So mods like "4DC AC Wreckage, Public Release (v0.1)" wouldn't be considered viable with WOF as they would most likely try to overwrite each other. (They do similar stuff)
Q7 I've discovered a bug with WOF, how do i report it?
A7 Here's a check list for you...
1) Verify the error... By seeing if you can duplicate it.
2) Disable all other mods and repeat step #1
3) Post via http://pastebin.com/ all lua errors shown and PM me the link.
4) Create a detailed verbal description about what were you doing at the time the error occured, what mods you had loaded and what units you were fighting ect. (Details are everything)
5) If possible, create a video and post it on Youtube... If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine how much a video is worth ?
Well done pal.. very nice!|||WOW! Now that is cool!
Once I get done with HW, I'm gonna have to download this mod.|||Wow, very nice! I'm gonna give it a try (downloading now).
The units in that movie fly quite far, it almost seems unrealistic. Or is that because a big gun (T3 arty) is firing at the T1 units?|||brute51|||OMG This is so much fun!
Try this....
Spawn 1000 engineers right infront of your commander and then overcharge the whole lot of them as they're starting to spread. (Can you say chain reaction boys and girls?)
Note: Commander needs to be set to "Hold Fire" to keep it in check until you can get the over charge off.
Resin_Smoker|||Yep this is a cool mod. I just saw a Seraphim T1 bomber launch 4 T1 units a long distance. But the effect doesn't seem to work with Medusa's (Medusa killing other unit). And beam weapons also create the effect. Is that intended? It looks a bit weird...
For feedback (Q5): IMHO the effect is a bit overdone for land units. I'd say halve it.
I haven't seen the effect on air units so I'm guessing it's not implemented yet. I think that would look good but you will have to take the aircrafts movement and speed into consideration. For naval units I'd say only implement horizontal movement, no flying. Structures should not be affected at all.
Nice work!

I guess a nuke will send units flying all over the map?|||brute51|||BTW if you alter the life time of the projectile, the unit attaches to you can change the balistics somewhat.
Resin|||I LIKE this, I'm gonna grab it, and have a test run with a buddy of mine later when I get back home.|||im trying to test, it looks so cool, but unfortunatly every time about five min into the game my gfx card goes dead and i have to restart, THE FAN IS NOT WORKING.
Anyway i have the case open now, im letting card cool down, feedback on the way soon!|||23 Downloads so far and not one reply with feedback....

What kind of feedback do you want?|||I know thid feeling well, area commands ans autoreclaim have inexcess of 200 downloads and almost no feedback.
That said, it worked flawlessly with me except for an error that came up when OKC was running. I am assuming here that it doesn't like you randomly creating projectiles. Not your fault on that one though.
It is quite amusing when I started overcharging large groups and they went flying every which way.|||brute51|||resin: in my tests with nukes i encountered a few LUA errors, i'm not too sure if they were caused by my running BO, 4DC and WOF together, but i'll test it out again later today and post my results|||the only thing i can think of is that beam weapons shouldn't make the units shoot up it to the air (like an explosion at the feet forcing them up would) and should be pushed back in the direction of the beam with little height since most beam weapons are firing down at the units (pushing them into the ground) or are at the same level|||I had a similar idea but I was too busy to implementi t...
Resin just comfrimed that it's doable.|||Volgun|||Resin_Smoker
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