This mod changes many units in order to bring a better balance to Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. A list of changes can be found a below.
N.B.: Comes with the Community Bugfix Patch v3.
N.B.: Comes with an add-on mod for T3 mobile AA (v3-4) which are balanced for the mod, courtesy of Kirvesnaama. In order to use these four additional units they have to be enabled in Forged Alliance's Mod Manager before you start a game. Don't enable if you don't want to alter the Forged Alliance experience.
Version 3.1a now available. Contains Community Bug Fix Patch v4 alpha 11 instead of v3. No other changes.
This mod is made possible by the hard work of the Forged Alliance community:
- List of changes compiled by ppipp with the help of many members of the Supcom FA community: Wkz, TAG members, _Pink, Spura, Ragnarok_x, SC Account, Brainsteel, Vid-Shitze, Admiral Zeech, Ze_PilOt, Deadmg, Brute51, Chaos-Storm, Kirvesnaama, BnZ, Thygrr, Wnmkh, and many others
- This mod is coded by the mighty Brute51
- The four Tech 3 Mobile Anti Air units are made by Kirvesnaama
- A legitimate installation of Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance fully patched to version 1.5.3599
- The Community Bugfix patch v3 (supplied with this mod, more info here)
Version 3.1a (contains CBFP v4 alpha 11 instead of v3):
Setup executable
Version 3.1:
mirror 1
mirror 2 (Kirvesnaama's T3 mobile AA units mod not included)
mirror 3
mirror 1
mirror 2
Name: Community Balance Patch V3
Created By: Brute51
Keywords: community, balance
Before installing the mod please read this small disclaimer:
Every effort has gone into making this mod a quality mod. However, we can not guarantee nothing will go wrong. You know the drill: use this mod at your own risk. I'm not saying this mod will crash your computer or even blow it up, but if it does don't blame us. It should work perfectly, it does on our computers!
There are 2 versions of this mod. The only difference is the manner in which they are installed. If you downloaded this mod as a ZIP file please follow those instructions. If you have an SCD file instead follow the instructions for the SCD file. Both versions are compatible with each other!
ZIP file
1. Download the ZIP file
2. Navigate to
Windows XP: -> My Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
Windows Vista: -> Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
3. Check whether a folder called 'Mods' exist at the forementioned location. If it doesn't, create it.
4. Unzip all contents of the ZIP file that you downloaded earlier to the 'Mods' folder from step 3. Make sure you keep the folder layout intact.
5. Navigate to the 'Mods' folder (step 3). Check if a folder called 'CommunityBugFixPatchV3' exists. If it doesn't then repeat step 4 and make sure you keep the folder layout from the ZIP file intact.
Installation done! You can skip the next part but read on, there's more to do.
SCD file
1. Download the SCD file
2. Navigate to where you installed Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. The default location is:
Windows XP / Vista 32 bit: C:\Program Files\THQ\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
Windows Vista 64 bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\THQ\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
3. Navigate to the 'Gamedata' folder. You should now be at:
-> ...\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\Gamedata
4. Copy-paste or move the SCD file to this location
Installation done!
Now that the mod is installed, you still need to activate it in the game.
1. Start Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
2. In the main menu choose Extra, then Mod Manager
3. Find the 'Community Balance Patch v3' in the list, you may have to scroll down a bit. Once you find it click on it to enable it.
You're now ready to play the game like you normally would!
All factions:
- T1 air scouts mass cost halved.
- Air factories have 2 seconds pause after each unit they build.
- Frigates AA DPS brought to around 13-14 DPS
- Shard (AA attack boat) : 30 DPS (from 25) to balance improved Frigates AA
- ACU Restoration Field : 13500 energy (from 4500 = energy cost tripled)
- Submarine : +100 HP
N.B.: The frigates’ changes bring their DPS to something close to a T1 mobile AA, but still less. It’s really a
minimum, or else, just take out the weapon and reduce the price of Frigates. Aeon dedicated T1 AA ship would still
be the most efficient by far for the cost.
All factions:
- All TMD except Aeon: Decrease energy cost to 1800 from 3600.
- Air factories have a 2 seconds pause after each unit they build.
- Static Artillery: -25% cost
- MML:+25% DPS
- Transports : +50% HP (i.e – 25 % HP instead of -50 % HP from their HP in FA. 3598)
- Static Flak: Muzzle velocity increased to 30 (from 20) and price reduced to 400 mass and 4000 energy (~= -30%).
N.B: Mobile flak are still much cheaper, but have fewer HP, lesser Muzzle velocity and slightly less range.
- Mass Fabs: mass cost = 370, build time = 1000, Energy upkeep = 140, Mass income = 2,
N.B.: these are BnZ numbers thoroughly calculated. See his thread for more details: ... hlight=bnz
- Valiant (Destroyer): AA weapon +10 damages per shot (20 instead of 10 for a total of 28.6 DPS instead of 14)
- Sparky (Field Engineer): Can now build stealth generator and radar station
- Aeon TMD only: Decrease mass and energy cost to 150/1500 from 280/3600.
- Mercy: fuel for 120 sec instead of 70 sec
Cybran :
- Mermaid (stealth boat): Decrease hp to 750 from 1500. Decrease speed to 6 from 7
- Salem (Destroyer) : AA weapon +3 damages per shot (5 instead of 2 for a total DPS of 28,5 instead of 11)
- TML-4: Missile HP reduced to 1 HP, in order to limit the ease with which a Cybran player can override TMD and
Shields due to the splitting of the missile.
- ED4 (Third shield upgrade): cost reduced: 800 mass (from 1200), 12000 energy, 800 buildtime (from 1200)
- ED5 (Fourth Shield Upgrade): shield cost nerfed : 1200 mass (from 2400), 24000 energy (from 40000),
1200 buildtime (from 1600).
N.B.: Energy consumption remains the same.
- Rhino : -10% mass cost (= 178 mass) to reflect their low HP compared to pillars.
- Deceiver : 4 speed (from 2.9) to match shield generators speed
- Wagner : + 10% mass cost (= 327 mass from 297).
- Firebeetle : don't receive damage from others Fire Beetles. Increase attack range to 5 in order to act much better versus buildings.
It doesn't require to turn anymore to explode (Ragnarok X tweak). It now actually explodes and deal its damage
when you ctrl+k it.Further gameplay improvements (like a special key to detonate them instantly) will come later.
- Yenzine: 190 mass instead of 220 (-15% mass)
- Ithalua (Seraphim Cruiser): Olaris AA Artillery Cannon Muzzle velocity: 40 (from 20)
All factions:
- Air factories have a 2 seconds pause after each unit they build.
- Air superiority fighters: DPS reduced by 50%
- T3 mass fabricators: produce +16 mass
- Static Artilleries: - 15% mass and energy costs (not buildtime) = around 75000 mass / 750000 energy
- All T3 ships' buildtime reduced by 33%
- All T3 shipyard buildpower increased to 90 (from 60)
- All secondary launchers' nuke costs and buildtime brought down to the same costs as static launchers' nukes
(Seraphim Battleship and strategic missile submarines)
- Battleships : AA weapon damage x3 (around 90 DPS instead of 30, Seraphim Muzzle velocity AA weapon doubled),
+1 movement speed
Aeon :
- Restorer: 35000 energy (from 20000), 6600 buildtime (from 4800, HP reduced to 5400.
- Add a 45 seconds cooldown to the Eye of Rhianne before it can scout another area.
- Sprite Striker (Sniper Bot): -20% cost, i.e. 640 mass (from 800), 6400 energy (from 8000), 4000 buildtime
(from 4800).
Cybran :
- Sonar T3 platform: speed reduced to 3 (from 4.5).
- Spearhead (heavy MML): 500 damages (from 400) = 118 DPS (from 94.5).
Seraphim :
- Iathu-ioz (T3 AA): Muzzle velocity increased to 90 (from 60) to reduce the missed shots.
- Usha-Ah (Sniper Bot) -20% cost, i.e. 640 mass (from 800), 6400 energy (from 8000), 4000 buildtime (from 4800).
- Mobile Shields: - 25% mass cost : 480 (from 640).
All factions:
- Land and sea Experimentals : + 6000 buildtime (Ythotha, ML, GC, Megalith, Fatboy, Atlantis, Tempest)
- Fatboy: improved veterancy: the shield strength increases with veterancy:
+2000/4000/6000/8000/10000 HP with each level of veterancy for a total of 30000 HP, to reflect the fact that
other land Experimentals get massive veterancy HP boosts.
- Novax: -20% costs = 29760 mass (from 37200), 483600 energy (from 604500), 22320 buildtime (from 27900).
- Mavor: firing randomness 0.18 (same as in Supcom; FA = 0.22) 16000 damages per shot (from 12000) for 2000 DPS
(instead of 1500).
- Scathis: increased damages per shot to 4000 (from 3000) and rate of fire improved to 1.6 secs (from 1.9)
for a total DPS of around 2500, to balance the lack of accuracy compared to the Mavor.
- Tempest: 23000 mass (instead of 28000); + 6000 buildtime (= 18000)
- Ythotha: AA weapon velocity increased to 40 (from 20)
- Refracting Chronotron Amplifier enhancement cost reduced by 33% (mass) and 50% (energy)
- Restoration Field enhancement energy cost increased to 15000
SCU overall:
- Overcharge resistance like all ACU's.
- Mass cost, buildtime and HP reduced by 35% (roughly)
- Main weapon gets + 100 DPS.
The idea is to make them more affordable, and sooner, to allow their customization once built. They would again be useful as frontline
engineers to build firebases, reclaim lv3 wrecks, possibly counter Experimental when backed up with support, etc. The increased DPS is to
allow them better combat abilities, especially once upgraded.
- Personal stealth upgrade cost reduced to match cost of radar jammer upgrade of the UEF SCU
Thanks for reading! Now download this and go play the game!|||Could you upload this to the vault? Its easier to get other players to search the vault with a key term than to have them visit the forums with a link they can't copy/paste.|||vault is fail.|||Sieg786|||Hum...with T2 Mass Fabricator producing +2 Mass, this can turn T3 useless (spending a lot o energy just to produce +16), and with the new T2, with only 8 you can produces de same. So, there´s no reason to fight for mass points.
Even with the new cost for T2, still better than T3, because you need to spend time and resources do upgrade T3.
This will bring turtles again, and make FA the same stupidly game as SupCom, I mean, just turtles.
Or not?|||Maybe, but making the T2 mass fab produce 2 mass isn't the only change to it. It got a cost increase and buildtime increase aswell, as calculated by BnZ (see his thread about this). It's all about making mass fabs a realistic alternative (I think).
By the way, I'm not the one who decided upon these changes. I just did the work that the mastermind (ppipp) came up with. But he's away for a while, vacation I think.
Please use the supplied download links if you can. The vault is broken so you probably won't find what you're looking for. I haven't yet uploaded this mod to the vault cause it relies on Community Bug Fix Patch v3 which isn't in the vault yet either. I'm waiting for someone to upload it. Once that's been done I'll upload this mod to the vault aswell but as long as there's no Bug Fix Patch v3 you can't use this mod either. The download link contains both mods plus another highly recommended mod (but not required).|||Merak|||Your air balance is made of epic fail.|||Legion Darrath|||Thanks, I've added your mirror to the list!|||Just want to add my opinion about mass fabricators.
I think the original mass fabricators cost are very well balanced with mexes, the new values of balance patch are complete unbalanced.
My opinion is that mass fabricators tech 2 should be build so that you do not spend energy, and if you have all your mex at tech3 sunrounded with storage, mass fabricators tech 3 should be build, their costs are very balanced for that, and I think this is what FA is supposed to be.
Moritz|||Moritz|||Changes are horrible Fatboy.

shield win rank veteran, that does not exist

was better only increase his life :)|||Not really, FB's durability is in shields, makes more sense it gets focused on those. It still suffers from this a bit because the shield is easier to hit than the unit itself, but that's just the way the Fatboy is.|||DeadMG|||Or better: begin reading from the posts made on 05-08-2008 at page 13 onwards..|||Great to see this mod.
Have wanted to see some work done in balancing some aspects of FA. Thank you especially for making this mod separate (but compatible) from the Community Bug Fixes.
Will download it and give it a whirl. Thanks to all involved for bringing this to fruition.|||I've finally been able to uplaod this mod to the Vault; see Vault section in Download part in the opening post.|||Hello, I think I have found a small bug in the balance patch. When you build an engineer from an air factory from either Aeon, Cybran, or UEF the engineer heads out to the rally point, but then returns back to the default rally point of the factory (right in front of building), sort of like a boomerang.
This appears in each tech level factory for the above races and only pertains to the engineers. None of the aircraft have this issue. Seraphim do not have this issue either.|||Have you tested this with all but the Community Balance mod and the Community Bugfix mods disabled?|||Yes. I had tried only the Bugfix Patch (no other mods or ai's installed) and that did not have any problems. I had tried to run only the Balance Patch, but that caused FA to just hang. Does the Balance Patch need the Bugfix Patch to work? I had always had both on, but I just tried it with only the balance patch and it hung FA.
When I had both the Bugfix and Balance Patch enabled the air factory issues occurred. I have also found out that until the engineer from the air factory completes its "boomerang" path, the factory would sit idle with the air factory build pad in the down position, allowing no construction to occur. Once the engineer returns and stops, then the next unit in the build que begins construction.
There is also another problem. If the engineer stops to close to the factory it seems to block the factory and all construction would stop. I have seen this happen after 1 engineer is completed or after 10 to 15 engineers blocking the spot and the engineer just circles around the air factory endlessly.
The "boomerang" path is not visible from the air factory directly. That is, if you hold the shift key the rally point and path from the air factory will be straight and looks ok. Once the engineer is built and the build pad begins its descend to roll off the unit; if you hold down the shift key, you can see the boomerang path that it will take.
For all tech levels of the UEF air factories the final point where the engineers travel to will be on the South edge.
For all tech levels of the Aeon air factories the final point where the engineers travel to will be on the West edge.
For the Cybran air factories:
T1: East edge
T2: West edge
T3: East edge
The Seraphim air factories do not exhibit any of these issues. It may be because the engineers are transported to the ground, similar to what the Fatboy does to units completed from it build pad.
I have also tried moving the final destination point of the engineer. The air factory will continue with its build que once the engineer reaches the final point or if you give the engineer a move or stop command.|||Yes, the bug fix patch is a requirement for the balance patch mod. I'll look into this issue. I've got an idea where to look so it's most likely fixed in the next version. Thanks for reporting!|||This will count as spam and bad manners, but:
thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou|||I've been playing quite a few games with the balance patch, and while ASFs balance seems nice overall, they seem to be very ineffective vs T3 gunships. For example, in a recent game 3 heavy GS vs 6 ASF resulted in 3 dead factories, 1 dead GS. Outnumbered 2 to 1, I feel the heavy GS should have been history. There were no AAA involved.|||hudson
Download link missing pls fix it.