Changes from v1.0 to v1.1
- The removal of the initial two engineers has been relegated to another separate mod: Lonely Mod (http://forums.gaspowered.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=50571).
This mod spawns a Cybran, UEF, and Illuminate ACU for each player at the beginning of the game so that each player can play all factions simultaneously.
The default tech tree is that of the faction chosen in the lobby prior to launching the game. In order to gain access to the tech trees of the other factions, you will need to first build a research station for those factions. Arrows will then appear in the bottom right-hand corner of the tech tree allowing you to scroll to the tech trees of the other factions.
This mod requires that DLC be enabled. It is compatible with Revamp Expansion Mod, and should work and be compatible with all other mods.
Credit / Acknowledgment: A big thanks to Mithy for his help on non-destructive hooking and coding suggestions and syntax. Also, thanks to Volgun for the suggestion and bringing to my attention Legion Darrath's similar mod for FA (http://forums.gaspowered.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=27257). However, this mod is implemented very differently than that mod.
The mod can be download from: http://www.moddb.com/mods/revamp-expansion-mod-addons/downloads.
- Download Mithy's Mod Support Minimod from: http://forums.gaspowered.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=50454. Place the .scd in /Steam/steamapps/common/supreme commander 2/gamedata/mods/Mithy's Mod Support Minimod.
- Extract 'zz_All_Factions.scd' to /Steam/steamapps/common/supreme commander 2/gamedata/mods/All Factions.
- Using CerusVI's SupCom 2 Mod Manager (http://forums.gaspowered.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=50303), add + select 'zz_All_Factions.scd' + Mithy's mod support then launch the game.
In the event that you get errors using SC2MM, you can manually install Mithy's mod support and zz_All_Factions by copying the .scd files to /Steam/steamapps/common/supreme commander 2/gamedata/.
NOTE: Mithy's mod support allows for non-destructive hooking of 3rd-party mods for Supreme Commander 2.|||Nice, I'll try this out!|||Great, I had a problem with the mod manager when trying to import the minimod support, and removed the revamp expansion from the manager. now I cant add any mod to the manager, I have to do everything manually .
Edit: Got it fixed by replacing the mod manager shortcut :)|||Glad to hear you fixed your problem!
Also, the mod works with Revamp. No need to disable it.|||madface did some thing legit! props to you. *no sarcasm*|||I will be using this mod to improve my mod testing efficiency. Thank you. :)|||If you're intending to use it to balance your own mod, then it might be more efficient to just spawn units in the game instantaneously using Alt+F2, unless you also intend to alter game pace.|||The mod has been updated: the removal of the initial two engineers has been relegated to another separate mod: Lonely Mod (viewtopic.php?f=7&t=50571).|||Why doesn't this work online? I get the error "Unable to join game. Modifided content mismatch" when trying to join friends lobby (when he has mod on too, installed correctly)|||Make sure both of you have v1.1. Also, when you download Mithy's mod support, try downloading version 2 instead of the newest v4. You can get v2 from here: http://code.google.com/p/nubletsupreme/downloads/detail?name=_modsupport_v2.scd.|||Great Mod
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