Designed for the Eco Mod
Thanks to theshadowlord for letting me use his widget as a base to work from, and thanks to madface for adding in research rates.
I spent the time improving this the most i could i created a new UI for it which fits in with the default SC2 UI.
• DLC Support only
• Requests Mithy's Mod Support MiniMod v7
Version 1.1
• Small UI update
• Mod has be changed to a hook so now requests Mithy's Mod Support to work.
• Campaign Support
Version 1.0
• Official Release Version
• Designed for the Eco Mod
UI Created By LiveOrDie | OverRated
Revamp Team 2011
This mod is configured for use with SC2 Mod Manager
Place the mod.scd within Steam\steamapps\common\supremecommander2\gamedata to enable it without the mod manager

Is this sorta like a "UI" mod?
As in can I play this mod online with other people who don't have the mod, and have no chance of de-sync.|||It should be. Unless it interacts with the sim in some way (and it shouldn't need to).|||Here we go the final skin for the panel supports all resolutions

Awesome job, man! Don't mind me.|||Can you draw over the top of the old UI? I think two non-alpha boxes would be a better solution.|||BulletMagnet|||how shoud we understand :
mass energy
+3 +5
mass energy
-13 -35
do we simply have to consider this means ?:
mass energy
-10 -30 (addition)|||The widget shows the Net Rates, i.e -13 mass would mean thats how much mass you are losing each second, calculated from your mass income - drain. Since the UI does not show negative rates (and cant be directly modded AFAIK) I made this widget to act as a workaround for it.|||thx for clarification and all these great efforts to provide us such ******* impressive stuff

Version 1.1
• Small UI update
• Mod has be changed to a hook so now requests Mithy's Mod Support to work.|||I played around with it bit in campaign, trying to find a way to make it properly hide when the campaign hides the main UI, but I'm honestly not quite sure where/when the main UI is hidden, if that's even reflected in the lua anywhere. It kind of sticks out during cutscenes and such, and slightly overlaps the objective bar, but it works.|||Mithy|||Well, it's not the PIP movies that are the issue (the score hides for those because they occupy the same space), it's the full-screen cinematics. In that situation, the entire UI gets hidden except for the econ panel, and I don't see where this is handled. But, I'm not exactly an expert on moho UI, and I don't even know how/where FA does this.
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