* Download links may change due to updates/bug fixes. I will try to keep these few and far apart.
* I've kept the mods as seperate as possible so new modders can look at the changes I've made much easier and learn from it. Also this allows me to release my mods much sooner and update them with greater ease. Once I've completed the base mods for each race I'll pack them into single download packs for easier downloading.
*The computer will NOT use these units as I have not added new AI for it. (I don't know how either).
Installation Instructions:
1. Download the file.
2. ~Optional~ Virus Scan it. (I always do).
3. Move the file to your SupCom2 gamedata file. Should be something like:
E:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\supreme commander 2\gamedata
Please feel free to post any ideas, comments or suggestions!

Post Guide
Post 1:
UEF Units
Post 2:
Cybran Units
Post 3:
Illuminate Units
Post 4:
All Faction Mods
Unit Merges
UEF New Units
There are three types of units here. Faction "true" units which use the same mesh as other units from the same faction, Faction "hostile" units which use a mesh from a different faction for variety and "Civilian" units which use non-playable unit meshes. Please note that the stats between them do differ. The Hostile and Civilian units have been titled.
General Greatheart [REL]
Size: 6.64mb
Adds a new experimental unit to the Land Gantry called "General Greatheart".
Basically this is a modded King Kriptor unit that:
- *Has a small but powerful shield. (100k hp, slow regen, super long recharge).
*Has weak armour. (50k fully buffed and max veterency, super slow regen).
*Typical beam lasers. (Right is very powerful, slow firing. Left is weak, fast firing, slightly increased range with a small AoE).
*Missile Pods. (Very very fast missiles, hit extremely hard, low AoE, short range, very slow rate of fire).
*Shoulder/Chest Cannons. (Long range, powerful, very slow rate of fire, small AoE).
*Costs a ton and takes ages to build.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/vvwrfe4lg ... theart.scd
Experimental Fusion Power Plant [REL]
Size: 5.97mb
Adds a new experimental building to engineers and the ACU that:
- *Provides 100 energy.
*Costs alot to build.
*Takes ages to build.
*Bit bigger than the original power plant.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/504ynpvuh ... _Plant.scd
Experimental Fusion Power Plant "Civilian" [REL]
Size: 39kb
Basically this is a modded civilian unit (the Power Coil) unit that:
- *Provides 100 energy.
*Costs alot to build.
*Takes ages to build.
*Increased health.
*Smaller than the original building.
*Removed electricity, steam and glow effects but kept spinners.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/d01pb3zd3 ... vilian.scd
Damocles [REL]
Size: 6.04mb
Adds a new experimental unit to the Air Gantry called the "Damocles".
Basically this is a modded Air Fortress unit that:
- *Has long range anti-air missiles. (Very powerful, half rate of fire.)
*50k base hp.
*Slightly increased siege guns range.
*Very slow.
*Increased Fighter Capacity. (50 slots up from 25).
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/scc61t6ar ... mocles.scd
Hephaestus [REL]
Size: 8.45mb
Adds a new experimental unit to the Land Gantry called the "Hephaestus".
Basically this is a modded FatBoy II unit that:
- *Has a very large AoE shield for protecting mobile forces.
*Slightly increased range.
*Slightly increased damage for minor weapons.
*Doubled damage on main gun.
*Reduced rate of fire by 40% on all weapons.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/9gmaxpf0o ... aestus.scd
Hephaestus "Hostile" [REL]
Size: 15.82mb
Adds a new experimental unit to the Land Gantry called the "Hephaestus".
Basically this is a modded Illuminate Urchinow unit that:
- *Has a very large AoE shield for protecting mobile forces.
*Slightly decreased range.
*Slightly increased damage.
*Reduced rate of fire by 40% on all weapons.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/7fh44ukfn ... ostile.scd
Atlas [REL]
Size: 6.36mb
Adds a new experimental unit to the Air Gantry called the "Atlas".
Basically this is a modded Star King unit that:
- *Has an increased storage size. (5x)
*Much slower.
*Greatly increased health.
*Decreased weapons range.
*Increased weapon damage.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/ofvx9uv3t ... _Atlas.scd
Atlas "Hostile"[REL]
Size: 6mb
Adds a new experimental unit to the Air Gantry called the "Atlas".
Basically this is a modded Cybran Giant Transport that:
- *Has an increased storage size. (5x)
*Much slower.
*Greatly increased health.
*Decreased weapons range.
*Increased weapon damage.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/jmzmn4u20 ... ostile.scd
Advanced Radar Facility [REL]
Size: 5.37mb
Adds a new building to engineers and the ACU.
Basically this is a modded Radar facility that:
- *Has greatly increased radar and vision radius.
*Costs much more than the T1 original to build.
*Greatly increased health.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/i8jmc4stm ... cility.scd
Moho Mine [REL]
Size: 7.31mb
Adds a new building to the Engineer and ACU.
Basically this is a modded Mass Extractor unit that:
- *Costs x10 more to build.
*Takes x10 longer to build.
*Greatly increased health and armour.
*Mass income increased by x15.
*Size increased x2.
*Slightly increased weapon damage.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/cpnvicibd ... o_Mine.scd
Moho Mine "Civilian" [REL]
Size: 34kb
Adds a new building to the Engineer and ACU.
Basically this is a modded Civilian unit (the data center) that:
- *Costs x10 more to build.
*Takes x10 longer to build.
*Greatly increased health and armour.
*Mass income increased by x15.
*Size decreased.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/6av1oifsa ... vilian.scd
Athena [REL]
Size: 8.74mb
Adds a new experimental unit to the Land Gantry called the "Athena".
Basically this is a modded FatBoy II unit that:
- *Added small reflector shield.
*Greatly increased range and damage on all weapons.
*Greatly decreased rate of fire on all weapons.
*Slightly decreased speed.
*Slightly increased size.
*Increased build cost and time.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/b7d28bmca ... Athena.scd
Nereus "Hostile" [REL]
Size: 11.28mb
Adds a new unit to the Naval Factory called the "Nereus".
Basically this is a modded Illuminate Darkenoid unit that:
- *Extracts mass from the water.
*Cannot fly but can travel on water.
*Reduced health.
*Disabled all weapons.
*Reduced speed and agility.
*Increased build time, energy and mass cost.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/i2b0p5tts ... ostile.scd
Hermes "Hostile" [REL]
Size: 6.86mb
Adds a new experimental building to engineers and the ACU.
Basically this is a modded Illuminate Space Temple that:
- *Has a massive vision radius to reveal the entire map.
*Build cost and time is greatly increased. (Designed as an end-game unit).
*Reduced mesh size.
*Kept effects the same size as it looks quite awesome.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/bcqs0bjq4 ... ostile.scd|||Installation Instructions:
1. Download the file.
2. ~Optional~ Virus Scan it. (I always do).
3. Move the file to your SupCom2 gamedata file. Should be something like:
E:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\supreme commander 2\gamedata
Please feel free to post any ideas, comments or suggestions!

Cybran New Units
There are three types of units here. Faction "true" units which use the same mesh as other units from the same faction, Faction "hostile" units which use a mesh from a different faction for variety and "Civilian" units which use non-playable unit meshes. Please note that the stats between them do differ. The Hostile and Civilian units have been titled.
Moho Mine [REL]
Size: 7.31mb
Adds a new experimental building to Engineers and the ACU.
Basically this is a modded Mass Extractor unit that:
- *Costs x10 more to build.
*Takes x10 longer to build.
*Greatly increased health and armour.
*Mass income increased by x15.
*Size increased x2.
*Slightly increased weapon damage.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/ptaz87eb9 ... o_Mine.scd
Moho Mine "Civilian" [REL]
Size: 34kb
Adds a new experimental building to Engineers and the ACU.
Basically this is a modded Civilian unit (the data center) that:
- *Costs x10 more to build.
*Takes x10 longer to build.
*Greatly increased health and armour.
*Mass income increased by x15.
*Size decreased.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/b8w7zxxtq ... vilian.scd
Experimental Fusion Power Plant [REL]
Size: 5.97mb
Adds a new experimental building to Engineers and the ACU.
Basically this is a modded Energy generator unit that:
- *Provides 100 energy.
*Costs alot to build.
*Takes ages to build.
*Increased health.
*Bit bigger than the original power plant.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/i8y9i9jcz ... _Plant.scd
Experimental Fusion Power Plant "Civilian" [REL]
Size: 35kb
Adds a new experimental building to Engineers and the ACU.
Basically this is a modded Civilian unit (the Power Coil) unit that:
- *Provides 100 energy.
*Costs alot to build.
*Takes ages to build.
*Increased health.
*Smaller than the original building.
*Removed electricity, steam and glow effects but kept spinners.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/ny1n9j42b ... vilian.scd
Advanced Radar/Sonar Facility [REL]
Size: 4.77mb
Adds a new building to engineers and the ACU.
Basically this is a modded Radar facility that:
- *Has greatly increased radar, sonar and vision radius.
*Costs much more than the T1 original to build.
*Greatly increased health.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/ft9g85r44 ... cility.scd
Loki [REL]
Size: 5.21mb
Adds a new experimental unit to the Air Gantry called the "Loki".
Basically this is a modded Soul Ripper unit that:
- *Costs more to build.
*Slightly smaller than the original.
*Slightly slower than the original.
*Slightly reduced health.
*Invisible to radar. (Needs to be tested).
*Weapons damage increased x10.
*Weapons speed reduced x10.
*Weapons range slightly decreased.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/taizld39z ... n_Loki.scd
Anansi [REL]
Size: 5.71mb
Adds a new experimental unit to the Land Gantry called the "Anansi".
Basically this is a modded Megalith unit that:
- *Costs alot more to build.
*Takes much longer to construct.
*Weapons damage increased substantially.
*Weapons range increased.
*Health increased to 30k. (50k full veterancy and buffs).
*Added personal shield. (50k, slow regen, very slow recharge).
*Movement speed decreased by half.
*Size increased x3.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/l1ekisw38 ... Anansi.scd
Chelone [REL]
Size: 6.33mb
Adds a new experimental unit to the Air Gantry called the "Chelone".
Basically this is a modded Giant Transport unit that:
- *Costs much more to build.
*Takes ages to build.
*Slightly smaller than the original.
*Movement speed greatly decreased.
*Base health greatly reduced.
*Added shield effect from the "Bomb Bouncer". (Greatly increased size, health and regen. Recharge time greatly increased).
*All weapons disabled. (Well they're there just reduced the range to zero to make it a purely defensive unit).
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/1g3ppsrmr ... helone.scd
Chelone "Hostile"[REL]
Size: 11.75mb
Adds a new experimental unit to the Air Gantry called the "Chelone".
Basically this is a modded Darkenoid unit that:
- *Costs much more to build.
*Takes ages to build.
*Slightly smaller than the original.
*Movement speed greatly decreased.
*Base health greatly reduced.
*Added shield effect from the "Bomb Bouncer". (Greatly increased size, health and regen. Recharge time greatly increased).
*All weapons disabled. (Well they're there just reduced the range to zero to make it a purely defensive unit).
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/d63zgy08b ... ostile.scd
Svarog "Hostile"[REL]
Size: 7.41mb
Adds a new experimental unit to the Land Gantry called the "Svarog".
Basically this is a modded Pull n' Smash unit that:
- *Added power generation.
*Decreased health significantly.
*Removed Smash ability.
*Increased speed.
*Decreased size.
*Resized selection box. (Took a while to figure out

Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/l7a2adbmu ... Svarog.scd
Oceanus [REL]
Size: 5.88mb
Adds a new unit to the Naval Factory called the "Oceanus".
Basically this is a modded Battleship unit that:
- *Size reduced slightly.
*Added a large AoE shield.
*Removed anti-naval/land weapons. (Anti-air still operational)
*Build cost and time decreased.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/ff1sgkbwv ... ceanus.scd
Oceanus "Hostile" [REL]
Size: 4.88mb
Adds a new unit to the Naval Factory called the "Oceanus".
Basically this is a modded UEF Battleship unit that:
- *Size reduced slightly.
*Added a large AoE shield.
*Removed anti-naval/land weapons. (Anti-air still operational)
*Build cost and time decreased.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/ixu1sbvg1 ... ostile.scd|||Installation Instructions:
1. Download the file.
2. ~Optional~ Virus Scan it. (I always do).
3. Move the file to your SupCom2 gamedata file. Should be something like:
E:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\supreme commander 2\gamedata
Please feel free to post any ideas, comments or suggestions!

Illuminate New Units
There are three types of units here. Faction "true" units which use the same mesh as other units from the same faction, Faction "hostile" units which use a mesh from a different faction for variety and "Civilian" units which use non-playable unit meshes. Please note that the stats between them do differ. The Hostile and Civilian units have been titled.
Moho Mine [REL]
Size: 5.61mb
Adds a new building to the Engineer and ACU.
Basically this is a modded Mass Extractor unit that:
- *Costs x10 more to build.
*Takes x10 longer to build.
*Greatly increased health and armour.
*Mass income increased by x15.
*Size increased x2.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/y7cg11c5y ... o_Mine.scd
Moho Mine "Civilian" [REL]
Size: 34kb
Adds a new building to the Engineer and ACU.
Basically this is a modded Civilian unit (the data center) that:
- *Costs x10 more to build.
*Takes x10 longer to build.
*Greatly increased health and armour.
*Mass income increased by x15.
*Size decreased.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/y2apfby39 ... vilian.scd
Experimental Fusion Power Plant [REL]
Size: 4.57mb
Adds a new experimental building to Engineers and the ACU.
Basically this is a modded Energy generator unit that:
- *Provides 100 energy.
*Costs alot to build.
*Takes ages to build.
*Increased health.
*Bit bigger than the original power plant.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/5r5r4iu3g ... _Plant.scd
Experimental Fusion Power Plant "Civilian" [REL]
Size: 35kb
Adds a new experimental building to Engineers and the ACU.
Basically this is a modded civilian unit (the Power Coil) that:
- *Provides 100 energy.
*Costs alot to build.
*Takes ages to build.
*Increased health.
*Removed electricity, glow and steam effects but kept spinners.
*Bit bigger than the original power coil.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/ohnx7l1s8 ... vilian.scd
Phalanx [REL]
Size: 5.58mb
Adds a new experimental building to the ACU and Engineers called the "Phalanx".
Basically this is a modded Shield Generator unit that:
- *Added "Bomb Bouncer" shield.
*Large range.
*Increased health.
*Decreased regen.
*Increased height.
*Increased size.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/k35xw2tww ... halanx.scd
Priapus "Hostile" [REL]
Size: 5.27mb
Adds a new experimental unit to the Land Gantry called the "Priapus".
Basically this is a modded Cybran Bomb Bouncer unit that:
- *Can repair units (Long range and increased repair rate).
*Decreased health significantly.
*Removed aerial reflector shield.
*Increased build cost and time.
*Removed abilities.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/yx4xap8wz ... ostile.scd
Advanced Radar Facility [REL]
Size: 4.46mb
Adds a new building to the Engineer and ACU.
Basically this is a modded Radar Facility unit that:
- *Has greatly increased radar and vision radius.
*Costs much more than the T1 original to build.
*Greatly increased health.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/po4527nz0 ... _Radar.scd
Asteria [REL]
Size: 11.75mb
Adds a new experimental unit to the Land Gantry called the "Asteria".
Basically this is a modded Darkenoid unit that:
- *Has a large reflector shield under it. (Park it over an enemy base and watch their own fire reflect back).
*Decreased health and regen significantly.
*Increased speed.
*Removed all but one weapon. (Beam laser, damage the same).
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/dx6m84c9w ... steria.scd
Asteria "Hostile" [REL]
Size: 6.33mb
Adds a new experimental unit to the Land Gantry called the "Asteria".
Basically this is a modded Cybran Giant Transport unit that:
- *Has a large reflector shield under it. (Park it over an enemy base and watch their own fire reflect back).
*Decreased health and regen significantly.
*Increased speed.
*Removed all but one weapon. (Beam laser, damage the same).
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/tyy5y66q1 ... ostile.scd
Lapetos "Hostile" [REL]
Size: 5.71mb
Adds a new experimental unit to the Land Gantry called the "Lapetos".
Basically this is a modded Cybran Megalith unit that:
- *Upon death this unit will explode like a nuke.
*Is extremely slow.
*Has very high health.
*Increased size.
*Disabled all weapons.
*Increased build time, mass and energy cost.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/5w4uf1014 ... ostile.scd|||Installation Instructions:
1. Download the file.
2. ~Optional~ Virus Scan it. (I always do).
3. Move the file to your SupCom2 gamedata file. Should be something like:
E:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\supreme commander 2\gamedata
Please feel free to post any ideas, comments or suggestions!

All Faction Unit Additions
These mods will add the relevant buildings/units to all factions.
Moho Mine [REL]
Size: 19.14mb
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/dox8k518q ... o_Mine.scd
Moho Mine "Civilian" [REL]
Size: 100kb
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/tt4xzoq90 ... vilian.scd
Fusion Power Plant [REL]
Size: 15.66mb
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/4ync14z44 ... _Plant.scd
Fusion Power Plant "Civilian" [REL]
Size: 102kb
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/9xgazdzk9 ... vilian.scd
Advanced Long Range Radar Facility [REL]
Size: 14.49mb
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/c94z444qz ... _Radar.scd
All Cybran Units (Not Buildings) [REL]
Size: 37.63mb
Description: This contains all current (3/9/10) units for the Cybran faction. You need to unzip the files you want, then unzip those files as directed in the instructions at the top of the post. Do NOT use "Hostile" units with their other counter-parts, use one or the other!
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/113ghludb ... _Units.zip
All Illuminate Units (Not Buildings) [REL]
Size: 34.72mb
Description: This contains all current (3/9/10) units for the Illuminate faction. You need to unzip the files you want, then unzip those files as directed in the instructions at the top of the post. Do NOT use "Hostile" units with their other counter-parts, use one or the other!
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/1v3ax1m9l ... _Units.zip
All UEF Units (Not Buildings) [REL]
Size: 68.84mb
Description: This contains all current (3/9/10) units for the UEF faction. You need to unzip the files you want, then unzip those files as directed in the instructions at the top of the post. Do NOT use "Hostile" units with their other counter-parts, use one or the other!
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/e77evouug ... _Units.zip
Unit Changes (Merges)
Shield Boost [REL]
Size: 3.54kb
This mod changes the shield generator buildings.
*Shield strength doubled.
*Cost doubled.
*Build time doubled.
*Shield area increased.
*Shield regen decreased.
Download Location:
Economy Changes [REL]
Size: 4.38kb
This mod changes the mass extractor, energy plant and research facility.
*Mass, energy and research income doubled.
*Cost to build doubled.
*Build time doubled.
Download Location:
http://www.mediafire.com/?z0ef3ogz9yl8hym|||nice idea but using the same models gets boring.|||liveordie|||brandon007|||brandon007|||liveordie|||Aye it is a bit pants not having any new unit meshes. Theres only so much I can do with current units/size changes. I've started mixing the units up a bit to add a bit of variety but its not ideal.
Unfortunatly I've never done textures/animation/meshes before so I wouldn't have a clue where to start. I'm looking into porting SC1 units into the SC2 engine but I've got to check for legal issues and find out how/if its possible.
Well there might be a breakthrough soon but I'm juggling new units, updating my tutorial post, researching how to add research options (ironic no?), trying to add new icons and testing/bug fixing my current mods.

I started mod coding for this game when modding for vanilla was the same way because the model export/import tool hadn't even been written yet. And that tool was community made rather than GPG provided.
I know new models can be put into SupCom2 because Orange Knight managed to get the BO:Unleashed Basilisk transfered over though I don't know the specifics beyond the screenshots. I believe it was attempted to proove it is possible before we became disgruntled about SupCOm2s lack of good mod support

All is good now.|||Sorry I haven't posted many new units in the last two days but I've got family down, getting ready for uni and spending most of my time trying to get new research to work in a mod format rather than changing the original. (which works but is a stupid idea).
I'm open to any ideas for new illuminate units as I rarely play them so I have no idea what kind of units would suit the faction best. In September I start my new Uni course so I don't know how much time I'll have for modding, so I'm throwing as many units out as I can now then people can edit them and use them to learn how to mod.
**Coming up**
After dinner I'll start putting specific data on the units up aswell as increasing the description of units to include a bit of lore into where I got the name from.|||First off, thank you: this is awesome. I am really glad to see some new units. I'm sure this took forever to make.
Second, as an illuminate player I'd say that our experimental units/buildings are a bit like a tech faction from another game.. *coughProtosscough* being more technical and indirect than the other factions. I tend to play in a more specialized way with illum than with UEF (the strong arm) or cybran (the rushers). That being said, the first thing I can think of is a specialist version of the normal bot that can somehow hide itself (cloak?) or do something useful that isn't necessarily straightforward. The teleportation and pretty much every unit in Illum arsenal tends to be kinda roundabout and strange. Some of the units do more than one thing but cost more. Anyway, just think more tactics than raw power or rushing and thats the flavor of the faction. Maybe a building that repairs stuff around it in a radius? A mobile loyalty gun unit would probably be OP'ed. Is it possible to put the wilfindja pods on another unit as a support cannon? Another annoying thing if you play Illuminate is artillery.. A building that stops artillery would be fantastic but probably hard to balance. The UEF cheating difficulty AI always builds like 4 experimental artillery and its just no fun coating my entire base with shields.
Anyway I brainstormed some ideas, hope that helps and good luck! I bet balancing all those changes to the other factions will be almost as hard as making them, haha.|||hehe thank you Sahfur. It took a while to learn but its pretty straight forward once you know what to do.
Hmm lots of buildings/units with special abilities then. I'll look into cloaking but I don't think a single unit in the game uses it atm so I'd have to add a new ability or script for it to be automatic. Also as there isn't a cloaking unit in the game that means theres no mesh or effects for a cloaking effect. I could use a different effect to represent cloaking but I have nothing to work with atm for a "true" cloaking effect. The one limitation I have with SC2 is that I can only use elements from within SC2 atm.

Teleportation is the niche of the Illuminate so I'll see what I can think of that. Perhaps a unit that uses the loyalty gun beam effect and after a while it teleports the enemy unit to a different dimension killing it. Basically like the Chrono Trooper from Red Alert 2. Hmm it would take a while to figure out but I see no reason why it can't be done. I'd have to make a new weapon and edit the script file for it but it should be achieveable.
A building that repairs units/buildings within a radius should be pretty simple. I could use a different faction shield generator for the mesh, make it a bit bigger and have a large range single target repair function. It would have to have a HUGE build time else you'd just coat your defenses in them. Although on that note a mobile repair unit that functions like that would fit well I think. (With a very weak repair rate ofc).
Thanks for the ideas, I'm really stumped atm for Illuminate mods. I added a large reflector shield generator building which will probably fit what you need. I'd suggest you get the artillery mod by Winter Dragon here:
Editing that mod allows you full control over the artillery buildings in the game although the base changes are still pretty awesome.
Balancing my mods will be extremely hard atm as I haven't had time to look at extending the AI to allow full use of them so I can only test them by playing the units myself. I'm looking into making a spreadsheet to work out a score through weapons range/damage/AoE/Rate of Fire/movement speed/land, sea, air unit/health/armour/regen/shield health, regen, recharge, size/abilities etc.|||hi man are you going to be adding them into the ai?|||liveordie|||have a look here it will help you alot, in my upcoming mod i have added 3 new units and 3 new defense building into the ai, but my mod uses the bp and lau.scd if you want them added in you will have to edit them.
http://forums.gaspowered.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=47784&p=832212#p832212|||liveordie|||lol i was thinking about doing it i mite on the weekend but if you want to go for it

Its annoying having to edit the original unit AI. If you have two mods that edit the files then the end user will have to add the AI code blocks themselves. Which probably means each mod will have to have instructions on how to do it or have a single AI editing tutorial thread that modders can direct end users to. Then the margin for error increases which could disuade people from using mods that require complex installation steps. Bah, couldn't GPG have had a merge system for AI files like units too? Rather than editing the original data it allows you to temporarily add new data?
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