Resin|||That my friend IS the DOGS B******S, :)
FEAR MY FINGER! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!|||That weapon is truly one of a kind... Took me all of 12 hours to put that together from a basic model. Now if i only had a proper model and texture....
Resin|||have 5 of those built together and you could have your very own "god hand"

anywho it seems as if there was some problem with its ability to track units (look at 1:30 on the video)
but for a prototype it seems fairly stable
so any other plans for this unit like tracking air units?|||darkova|||Awesome!
Reminds me of Master Hand|||this detailed motion is great to see!!
I'm so excited!!
I would like to know how you made it possible to have this detailed movement,woow!?
really fantastic work!!
Greetings|||Ok, since no-one else has, Ill ask the all important question. Can it be used on a mobile unit?|||Manjensan|||OMG, nice! And oh would that be nice in supcom2!|||Shiney, now we can totally have our very own B-9 Class M-3 General Utility Non-Theorizing Environmental Control Robot
AKA Robot. Tie that into Domino's fancy notifications mod and we can have our point defense telling us "Danger, Danger Commander". BEAM!|||Impressive and so funny ! Is this going to see the light of day sometime ?|||good job Res

LOL, love the sig CanRaps

Thx :)|||Resin_Smoker|||That thing is pure awesome
Now make a four legged tentacle bot with two of those for guns!|||Domino|||When I asked if it could be used on a unit, I was thinking more along the lines of giant tentacle aeon/sera walker apocalypse bot...of doom. Use War of the worlds for reference...just add giant tent-kills.|||Manjensan|||In the interests of "sharing" below are the basic unit files needed to run the Finger of Death.
Disclaimer: Be aware that this isn't a complete mod and is presented "as is", assuming that if your downloading this your mod savvy enough to figure it out on your own. Other modder's are free to use this concept (script / blueprint) as they see fit, however I still lay claim to the model, such as it is.
Resin_Smoker|||Need to see a wyrm from this, complete with tunneling underground. I'm sure someone can figure a way to implement underground movement.|||I'm sure it would be...possible. I'll admit, some kind of tunnelling worm-bot would own everything, but that poses questions as to how to do a tunnelling effect in-keeping with sup com design. Being a rookie at this sort of thing, I imagine that it would be "simple" enough to create a crude tunnelling system by simply having the tunneled unit spawn upon the completed animation of the surfaced unit and vice versa. But to be quite honest it's still slot of work for anyone to undertake.
(insert general modding lecture here)
But if any of you modding giants are considering it, hey +1 from me!|||I was thinking of using the teleport mechanic and just giving it some type of delay based on map distance. The only problem with that is you have no type of intel on it while in transit.
Combined with the weight of fire mod I can imagine it bursting out of the ground with an explosion of dirt and rocks amidst a mass of units and scattering them while torching the rest with the phaser. Would take a lot of animating I guess.
Maybe give it a check or something disallowing it to surface inside a bubble shield. Might help balance it some.
I don't have time to do this right now, too much school work.

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