I thought I read in an article related to the 3603 patch that T1 Air Transports could carry the ACU ; but I don't find any mention to this anymore.
Anyway — it's nothing to do — but if someone is interested in this feature, here it is.
Copy that into your mods folder.
A shame that this game isn't supported anymore

Does anyone else think that might not be such a great idea? Jus' saying.|||I'm afraid I have to agree with you there. Loading ACU's into transports makes me nervous enough as it is, I'd never - EVER - load my ACU into a tech 1 transport. That would only be useful if you wanted to sacrifice your commander in the first 20 seconds of the game, and that's just...(*sigh*)|||*Facepalm*
Really? What moron would use this mod, and sacrifice their commander?|||Manjensan|||Because I have other memories of TA :)
And you know exactly that if (and it's a big "if") the transport isn't destroyed, you can do some strategies with that.
A T1 transporting an ACU is as risky as in a T2. So why a T1 could not carry it ?|||It was in the beta patch however nobody liked it and people stopped whining about it as I didn't include it when I ported the patch to a mod so it could be played online more easily.
Your "if the transport doesn't get destroyed" thing was another reason they didn't like it since it made ACU rushing all that easier unless you got some AA up in time. They wanted it removed again so yeah...|||I would argue that if you are going to air transport an ACU, T1 is the best time to do it. The amount of air and, more importantly, radar coverage the enemy will have is minimal.
I don't transport my acu often but occasionally, you can reach a contested point on the map first and have a decent base with a powerful offensive unit at the front before anyone else.|||This was one of the worst parts of the 3603 patch (other than the bizarro deathnukes that killed assault experimentals but not T1 mexes).
The only way I can think of to make this usable but not overpowered is to A) use original 3599 T1 transport costs, and B) have a T1 transport hauling an ACU move at half speed and burn double fuel.
That'd still be twice as fast as normal ACU movement speed, but not so fast that you can completely outmaneuver all land forces with it and always safely dump it in an enemy base for a super-fast team-ACU-rush.|||Thank you Legion Darrath, I was sure I read something about this somewhere.
I must add that when I wrote "a shame that this game isn't supported anymore", it has nothing to do with the idea to include the T1 Transport able to carry the ACU in a future patch. This is a "funny mod" and I'm glad this idea is no more in the patch. But... GPG has deleted it, and there are certainly a lot more things to work out...|||i miss my uber exploding coms....|||Then make them 'uber-splode' once more in a grand finale of awesomeness. Brings to mind a few simple-ish ideas for BO:ACU's but it's the wrong thread and you guys have got enough work as it is

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