The initial plan right now is to get the air and land units for the Germans and USA done first and then decide on whether to add naval units or to add the Soviets and Japanese.
Proposed Unit List
Infantry - Both Sides
Rifle / Sub Machine Gun
Anti-Tank (Bazooka / Panzerschreck)
Heavy Machine Gun (Browning 30cal / Mg34 or 42)
German Land Units
T1 Scout - SdKfz.222 - FINISHED
T1 Light Tank - Panzer II - FINISHED
T1 Medium Tank - Panzer III - FINISHED
T1 SP Artillery - Sturmpanzer I Bison - Model Done
T2 Medium Tank - Panzer IV - FINISHED
T2 Heavy Tank - Panzer VI Tiger - FINISHED
T2 SP Artillery - Wespe - FINISHED
T2 Tank Destroyer - StuG III - FINISHED
T3 Scout / Light Tank - Sd.Kfz 234/2 Puma - Model Done
T3 Medium Tank - Panzer V Panther - FINISHED
T3 Heavy Tank - Panzer VI King Tiger - FINISHED
T3 SP Artillery - Sturmtiger - FINISHED
T3 Tank Destroyer - Jagdpanther - FINISHED
T3 SP AA - Flakpanzer IV Wirblewind - Model Done
Exper Heavy Tank - Panzer VIII Maus - FINISHED
Exper Tank Destroyer - Jagdtiger - FINISHED
Exper Artillery - Morser Karl-Gerat - Model Done
German Air Units
T1 Spy Plane - Fieseler Fi-156 Storch - Model Done
T1 Fighter - Messerschmit Me-109 - Model Done
T1 Heavy Bomber - Heinkel He-111
T1 Attack Bomber - Junkers Ju-87 Stuka - Model Done
T2 Fighter - Messerschmit Me-109 - Model Done
T2 Heavy Bomber - Heinkel He-177
T2 Attack Bomber - Junkers Ju-88
T2 Fighter-Bomber - Focke-Wulf Fw-190 - FINISHED
T3 Spy Plane - Focke-Wulf Fw-200 Condor
T3 Fighter - Messerschmit Me-262 - Model Done
T3 Heavy Bomber - Arado Ar-234 Blitz
T3 Attack Bomber - Henschel Hs-129
Experimental Fighter
Experimental Heavy Bomber - Junkers Ju-287
Transport - Junkers Ju-52 - Model Done
USA Land Units
T1 Scout - Willys MB Jeep - Model Done
T1 Light Tank - M5A1 Stuart - Model Done
T1 Medium Tank - M3 Lee - Model Done
T2 Medium Tank - M4A3 Sherman - FINISHED
T2 SP Artillery - M7 Priest - Model Done
T2 Tank Destroyer - M10 Wolverine - Model Done
T3 Scout / Light Tank - M8 Greyhound - Model Done
T3 Medium Tank - M4A3E8(76)W Sherman - Model Done
T3 Heavy Tank - M26 Pershing - Model Done
T3 SP Artillery - T34 Calliope (Sherman with Rockets) - Model Done
T3 Tank Destroyer - M36 Jackson - Model Done
T3 SP AA - M19 GMC - Model Done
Exper Heavy Tank - T29
Exper Artillery
USA Air Units
T1 Spy Plane - OS2U Kingfisher
T1 Fighter - P-40 Warhawk - FINISHED
T1 Heavy Bomber - B-17 Flying Fortress - FINISHED
T1 Attack Bomber - A20 Havoc
T2 Fighter - P-38 Lightning - FINISHED
T2 Heavy Bomber - B-24 Liberator
T2 Attack Bomber - B-25 Mitchell
T2 Fighter-Bomber - P-47 Thunderbolt - FINISHED
T3 Spy Plane - PBY Catalina
T3 Fighter - P-51 Mustang - FINISHED
T3 Heavy Bomber - B-29 Superfortress - FINISHED
T3 Attack Bomber - A-26 Invader
Exper Fighter - P-80 Shooting Star
Exper Heavy Bomber - B-29 Silverplate Atomic Bomber - FINISHED
Transport - C-47 - Model Done|||Yorktown Class Aircraft Carrier launching a F4F Wildcat

Yorktown Class Aircraft Carrier firing Flak AA

SBD Dauntless Dive Bomber landing on the Yorktown

Yamato Class Super Battleship firing Flak AA

Yamato firing main guns

Tiger Tanks patrolling near the wreckage of B-17 Bombers

Tiger firing the fearsome 88mm Cannon

P-47 Thunderbolt Fighter-Bomber

P-40 Warhawk with the Fighting Tigers paint job

F4F Wildcat Carrier Fighter

B-17 Flying Fortress attack group

B-17 group using their defensive machine guns against an attacking P-51

B-29 Superfortress attack squadron

Now the "Fuel" feature can be used as it really should be.
What unit will be the Commander? Talk about your conceptions and gameplay.|||Thanks!
I am willing to listen to ideas about the commanders as I don't know the best way to implement them with a WWII feel to it.
The best idea I have is to keep the idea of commanders as we know them. Each faction gets a General unit that will be the "Commander". These units will be command tanks (think Rommel in the desert, or the famous pictures of Patton in his tank with all of the antennas) that will be able to build the factories and simple defenses such as AA guns, Machine Gun nests, AT defense, etc.
The engineers will be what were referred to as Engineer Halftracks. Each country used them in the war and they will be able to build the entire arsenal.
Infantry will definitely be included. They will be complete stealth units that can only be seen by other infantry. They will not show on the radar map. Most vehicles (with the exception of scouts) will have a small sight radius so it will be possible to ambush vehicles using infantry.
I have the entire unit list figured out already and I can post that if anyone is interested.|||I loved the "infantary stealth system", that will turn the gameplay much more interesting.
I always thought that supreme commander have a incridible potencial to diferent gameplays, not only the constant "big weapons and many units". As I can see, your mod will bring a true scaled war.
So, what about he economy system, you will use mass and energy?
Post the unit list!

The plan is to use "Mass" as Oil Deposits. Energy will remain largely unchanged.|||This looks great! :)
I have a few questions:
1) T1 and T2 ground for both factions have no AA. Is this intentional? If so, what is your reasoning behind it?
2) Are there going to be different types of infantry units, or are they all going to behave the same way?
3) It looks like each Tier contains the same types of units but just stronger variations. Is there going to be any reason to continue using units of a previous Tier once you have teched up? For example in FA each tier would give you new types of units in addition to stronger variations of some lower tier units.
4) Do you plan on adding a third faction? If so, I hope you make it the Russians!

Again, the screens look great :)|||Thanks!
Quote:|||I can imagine...instant blitzkriegs, just add water xD
but anyway, this is looking to be promising, keep it up, I'll be watching :)|||Two new units enter the war. The P-38 Lightning and the Sturmtiger Heavy Assault Gun featuring a 380mm Cannon.
Squadron of P-38's Escorting B-29's on a Bombing Mission

A Flight of P-38 Lightning Fighters

Sturmtiger Heavy Assault Gun Firing It's 380mm Cannon

Sturmtiger Heavy Assault Gun

P-38 Lightning Attacking with 4 Machine Guns & a 20mm Cannon

btw Alt+L turns off health bars for screenshots.|||Thanks Sam!
Here is the Focke-Wulf Fw-190 Fighter-Bomber

See these threads for some examples of what I have done. Some of my maps have been included in tournaments and Moonlight has been in the FA Ladder map pool since release. It would be fun to participate in this mod. I might have some ideas for balance also. I've been playing FA since release and have been a top 100 player so I have some concept of competitive game play.
viewtopic.php?f=20&t=33561|||electro2|||This looks superb. The model/texture quality is about as good as I've seen in a FA mod.
A couple of comments:
pap1723|||Just to point out the Ju-87 was a dive bomber. The Ju 88 might be what you are looking for.
There's also the 88 MM cannon.
Also Germany did build a few super cannons on rail ways.
Might be worth considering for exps. There's also the V weapons.|||Quote:|||pap1723|||Awesome! Mithy you are the best!|||I just took another look at how I did the configuration portion of that mod, and I could probably make the whole thing a lot more convenient, and move some of the actual offset math out of the on-damage function to make it a bit faster. I'll try to release another version in a day or so that has some improvements, and a lower UID.|||Sounds great, please let me know when it is available.
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