This mod was made possible by Mithy thanks to him this mod has a really nice refined scaling system with some really nice features, So a big thanks to Mithy.
This mod is a WIP so it will be improved over time!
• DLC Support only
• Requests Mithys Mod Support MiniMod v7 and up
Version 0.8
• All structures scaled down by 0.4%
• All experimental mobile units left at default scale
• Land, air and naval units scaled down by 0.5%
DOWNLOAD|||I don't have any feedback on what should or shouldn't be scaled.
I am looking forward to this mod since I would like the ability to combine it with other mods that are awesome but don't use the scaling. :)|||I would like buildings to be normal size too

Edit: EXPERIMENTAL buildings|||Well, you're in luck - it's very easy to customize the scale using just a .bp file in an .scd folder. When LoD releases the mod, I'll make a post with an example of how to do that.|||Mithy|||redmoth|||Sweet!
Cant wait to try this out, hope the mass deposits have been aligned to their proper positions.
Keep up the good work :)|||If possible i would like a scale enhancement that brings back FA scale but with textures enhancement in order to avoid crappy textures :)|||jetsnguns|||Thanks ! did not catch this previously

This mod is a WIP so it will be improved over time!
Version 0.8
• All structures scaled down by 0.4%
• All experimental mobile units left at default scale
• Land, air and naval units scaled down by 0.5%|||Why are you shadowing all of the map _save files? Those should be hookable, and changes to unit scale shouldn't affect or require anything from the maps anyway.
Also, you have the new default CostStamps added into /modhook/_ScaleEnhancement/coststamps/default - that won't do anything, and the game won't be able to use those. You should only be using that path to change existing stamps, the new ones need to go into /coststamps/default, because that's where Blueprints.lua looks for them.
I haven't really had much time to work on SC2-related stuff lately, but I can take another stab at dynamic coststamp assignment. That's the only way the mod will ever properly support scaling for other mods' units, or for adjustable scale.|||Do you think this would work on vanilla supcom 2? I looked through some of the files and it appears this works if you have dlc. Will there be a vanilla version of the blueprints.lua like the one BM made before?
Would be nice.
Thanks.|||Mithy|||liveordie|||Mithy|||Okay, so far it's working smooth, but here are a few issues that might need working out;
-The roll off points for the land factory's/land gantry's are off a tad bit.
-The radar and posibly the unit's radar and range could be bumped up. more so the radar, because it's range is so small it's practically pointless to use it. I got trampled by an unseen AI

-Some times you are not able to build structures adjacent to each other, but it's not a game breaker.
-Not to sure about this one, but i had my acu going to a destination, then i chaged my mind and told it to build a research station (witch happend to be on the way to the original route i instructed previously) and it simply stayed onthe original route i previously instructed, yet it did a drive by build of the research station.

Those are the only issues so far, but i'll keep testing.
Great mod though.

[edit] And theexperimentals are all scaled down, thought they would be normal scale. Then again, it might be 360 issue.

Thank's.|||damusolja|||Yeah, i figured out the radar issue. I simply went into the blueprints.lua file you gave me and changed the intel settings from 1.6 to 1.7 and that fixed it. With the 1.6 setting's the radar was non existent and when i upgraded the range via research, only a small blue ring right around the radar station could be seen

Now the cost stamp's i'm not sure about. I have like 3 set's. Ones from the very first blueprints.lua you gave me before the scale enhancement, one after (the one with the hook issue

After playing the game for awhile, I'm starting to believe that something worked and the mod is active. I'm pretty almost positive that the units are smaller than they should be, but I don't know for sure. I have no idea whats causing it. If it's a remnant of installing Revamp mod or what.|||Why485
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