Im working on a super secret UBER AWESOME mod,
it involves naming the commanders internal "computer systems"
for the cybrans ive chosen "Cyclone" although this can change..
i put it to you guys to pick some names for the factions "AI system"
so i need cool names for aeon, cybran, seraphim and uef..
pop your cool names down in a post here.. and ill pick the best ones.|||One of them should be named Legion. Probably the Cybran. It should be named Legion because I say so.|||Hi,
LOL! nice... it can go on the list... BECAUSE I SAY SO

EDI can go on the list, however the UEF AI is female.. (has a female voice)|||Allied Mastercomputer, or AM if you prefer.
yes, I've read Harlan Ellison. Try not to faint.|||EDI is the name of a female AI
Paladin or prophet for aeon
sovereign for Seri|||Hi,
Well im going to personalise the ACU AI to each acu...
cool, some nice names so far.. all on the list :)|||Don't you think "Nazara" would be more appropriate?
*shudders* Reapers in the SupCom universe. I imagine the boys over in Blackops would be going insane if they saw their new Goliath get taken out by an angry Reaper's Thanix cannons with one shot.|||KNight Would make for an interetesting UEF System name IMO, especially it the system concerned is some kind of attack system.
Mike|||I vote for HAL.|||HAL is seconded. Maybe HAL 9000.
SETI Seraphim Extra-terrestrial Transmission Interconnect.
I'm a sucker for good acronyms.|||Legion Darrath|||I vote for HAL as well XD|||SHODAN (Sentient Hyper-Optimized Data Access Network)
RESIN|||O_O System Shock 2....oh god....relapsing.... damn annelids! I need more ammo! *curls up into fetal position*|||Zataku|||Hi,
Ok SHODAN is a good one..
We shall use this BUT on which faction?
im also liking SETI for seraphim
i also think prophet is appropriate for aeon..
so far..
reserved - shodan
reserved - cyclone - cybran
reserved - EDI - UEF
reserved - legion - cybran
reserved - hal
aeon - prophet
seraphim - seti
make your choices.. i think we have enough names now..
we just need to decide what faction gets what name..
:)|||i vote for legion for cybran and HAL for UEF|||Ok
dependant on what faction resin wants to use for SHODAN
ill use LEGION for cybran..|||Domino|||Volgun|||But what does LEGION stand for. It has to be an acronym for something. The best I could come up with is "logical evaluation for garrison and infiltration oversight network".
Resin, a monstrous, murderous AI is exactly what you want to play against.
No mercy!
And instead of calling it the HAL9000, call it the HAL MK2 or something.|||No, Legion like the demon. It has to spam units by the hundreds too.|||zinetwin
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