Movie Mania Mod
Installation notes in the read me.
AEON -->
UEF -->
here are some loading screen movies i knocked up quicky.. they go in the uef folder.
here is an older 4dc main menu movie..
4DC -->
we will be doing a new one, this is just a temp, some of you might like :)
What is this mod?
This mod is rather cool, what it does is let you choose different main menu movies, ie the frontend movie that plays.
you can change the background movie from options, interface, frontend movie.
valid options are:
i have provided 4 faction main menu movies, one for each faction..
i used the BlackOps Unleashed Shorts from spaz Productions,
(thanks to ion for the HD videos of these shorts)
you really have to download this mod its very cool! enjoy!
Updated with higher quality videos.
if you get stuck on where to put the videos.. READ THE README!
comments?|||reserved|||UPDATE|||oo, dling to try right now|||Hi,
Lt_hawkeye|||I can host it on mine if you want me to.|||Hi,
Legion Darrath|||i have to say Domino, i like this a lot. very neat imo(specially since they are BO vids XD) although watching some of the old things, like the old gargantuan makes me shudders XD, anyway, i like this very much and i think you should maybe work to just get some vids of regular FA. i dont have Spaz's vids anywhere on my comp and i think the links on his post are dead im afraid : /|||Hi,
Lt_hawkeye|||Domino|||I downloaded the faction clips and the episodes all a long time ago and I have a bad habit of never deleting videos, so I uploaded the HD versions to Gamefront
HD Videos
PS: I loaded up the mod and I must say, it is really amazing, especially to the original Supreme Commander theme music. UEF is neato

Not sure if it is possible, but is there a way to change the interface (buttons appearance and style) as well?|||Hi
WOW thx ion thats awesome...
if you mean totally change the buttons... then ...
a simple answer to your changing menu buttons question is yes...
if you wait a few days after weekend, ill be releasing another mod that lets you change ui textures on the fly with no coding required just placing file structure
in a mod and replacing textures...
if it latches on it will truely make, making new skins buttons icons virtually any game graphic very very easy..
if you meant the skin then that should already happen.. goto options interface and change the faction click apply the options menu changes skin.. :) ie colour ..
ill download those videos later and convert and upload them asap :)
glad you like the mod.. thx for downloading it :)|||Hi,
just downloaded the Hd Videos..
Cool beans thx for that pal :)|||I know how to change the faction skins, but beyond that I didn't know how easy changing the actual textures would be.
I think the main menu buttons would look better without the grey parts in it. That is, keeping just the holographic looking and clickable part of the button. The buttons look out of place with the new background. Just an idea.
*Edit* Looking back on the background movies, I think I see some clips of the 4 episodes too. (I thought at first they were only the shorts.) If you want I can upload the episodes aswell.

The movies in the clips are the shorts, i dont think i added any of the episodes.. o.O
could be wrong though spaz did so many movies.. :)
im currently doing a little update... because i gotton hold the 4dc movie,
so im adding some buttons in the extra menu to play this video.. not as a background
or anything.. as an extra.. if you would like to pick an awesome BO episode and upload that, ill add a button to play this also.. thx for that pal :)|||UPDATE|||About time

Been trying to grab the original for ages, download kept hanging, Nice you uploaded on a new host :3|||Hi,
Sorry about that last link not working

i didnt even notice til yesterday..
Thought it time i uploaded the better quality vids.. :)
Np, enjoy it!|||Hey, are there no Loading movies? I don't see any :S|||I see no loading movies either..
Domino the first release with low quality vids were really awful

Yeah sorry the loading movies, im working on some new ones...
There going to be the factions ICON spinning with back glow...
ill upload the original loading movie in about an hour when im on my own pc..
i was certain i added support for if a loading movie didnt exist it defaulted to original..
guess i didnt.. ill fix that for next release.... infact im pretty certain i did... ill check in an hour.. if i didnt ill upload the loading movies also.. and fix it for next release..
sorry about that..
as for the never before seen units... these videos are from some old blackops version.. indeed hawk did make them..|||Hi,
Just had a quick look at the code, it does indeed default to the usual faction loading screen if the random video picked doesnt exist,
i mean this code is old and needs re-writting which ill try and do tonight... if not tomorrow.
in the testing i just did, it works fine for me.. with no loading movies in the
custom_movies/loading_screens/faction-name folder..
im at a loss as to why it doesnt work for you guys..|||i meant loading movies folder was empty...sorry 4 are already aware of this...|||Hi,
aha, just the folder was empty, BUT the default loading in transit screens STILL show yes?
i left the loading_screens folder empty intentionally, as im in the process of making some high quality new ones.. as said previously im doing each factions ICON/AVATAR rotating with a backlight behind it.. it will look rather cool..
i can upload the old videos if you want to use those for now.. or you can wait for the new ones :)
so does the normal in transit movie work ok?
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