Whats happening in this video...
Thoughts?|||holy ****!
O.O, is that what i think it is?
if yes, ******* AWESOME|||The Civilians have a long ranged Loyalty gun they used to capture the whole red team at once? XD|||Lt_hawkeye|||Domino|||Oh wait I know! The AI broke its alliance with you? XD|||the video is the hint... look whats happening :)|||brandon007|||Domino|||i wasnt playing it was a 3 way ai game.. how come you think civs were kickin arse?|||Is this for DMS?
Mike|||here is the default, maybe the penny will drop with this one..
no mods loaded..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3IC6fZ2z6w|||OrangeKnight|||aww quite guttied no one can tell me whats happening... i know the video is short..
but it does show exactly what is happening.. its pretty hardcore really and something
that should have been fixed donks ago..|||Ok,
might as well fess up, its a fix hopefully, to hide structures and structure strat icons under the fog of war, if they have been seen.. this is a known bug, we all deal with on a game to game basis... if the structure isnt on omni then the structure and its strat icon are hidden again, just like mobile units do.. it also fixes the problem where you can still target structures under the fog of war.. once seen..
ive had issues with it freezing the game... however ive now fixed this...
the only problem now is, although structures and strat icons are hidden,
im finidng it difficult to hide the structures splat.. (tarmacs) .. i dont think we will ever be able to hide these again.. as when a splat is laid down.. it becomes in essense part of the map.. so its always visable.. i could change it so only that army sees there own tarmacs.. but this means when attacking an enemy base.. you wont see tarmacs around that bases structures...|||Is this really a bug ? I mean once you have discovered a building the knowledge is yours after all the buildings contrary to the mobile units don't move so once you discover it you know where it is and you can target it. Am I missing something ?|||I agree with Krapougnak.|||Hi,
ofcourse its a bug, maybe by design, however..
intel should be lost and the building should be hidden under the fog.. unless you have omni or los, the current system is well bugged..
what happens when the building is destroyed.. its not there any more.. yet your intel will say it is if you have seen it once... cause you can see it under the fog... until you get los on it again...
Krapougnak|||Actually, that is how it's been for a long time, not just SupCom.
I don't have to look up a map for the grocery store every time I go because once I've been there I know its there, if I don't go for awhile it might be a new store or it could even gone, but I'm not going to forget it's there the second I drive out of the parking lot.|||i think your definition of bug is a little skewed Domino.
i can consider it a bug if the scouting player does not have any sort of radar covering the area(bit of realism entering here), sure you have no radar, you scout his building, being a structure you know it is there and should be able to target the area where it was regardless of radar or not, if the enemy reclaims the structure, you should still be able to see that it is there if you have not scouted the area again UNLESS you have radar coverage, because then the mass giving off the radar signiture will have been gone thus your "syste" will update saying no more structure there, same thing if a stealth field is put into place.
another example, Player a scouts player B base, no radar, player A should still be able to tell where B base is because structures can't move, and he should be able to target B's factory with a TML cause it cannot move. lets say Player A builds a radar and has it to see blips on his map showing player B's base showing blips where stuctures were placed during his last scouting. lets say player B removes a structure, A's radar should update reflecting that there is no more blip and can no longer see it on his map. the same thing should happen when player B builds a stealth gen, any radar blips and map "ghosts" should disappear, currently the structure doesn't disappear even after a cloak and stealth gen is placed, allowing a player to still pinpoint target the area.(BUG)
this is the best way i can explain what i think is what is meant. if your "fix" can be applied to work like this with regular radar, then awesome.|||While it may not be a bug, it certainly 'feels' right.
It's a bit of a crutch that the map records buildings for you, rather than having to rely upon one's own memory.
I might also imagine that there might be a minor performance improvement|||Supremilated did this years ago. All that is happening is that the intel. system now considers structures in the same way as units.
Also, the bomber-intel-bug now applies to every unit attacking a structure. Logically, if you know a building is there, you should be able to attack through fog. If you lose intel. on a structure, then you shouldn't be able to attack it.
Honestly, I liked it better the old way.
If you wanted to do something awesome; give sized based strategic icons. Not being able to tell the difference between a 20m Spectre and a 410m Czar on radar is retarded.|||Hi,
I guess it boils down to personal preferance..
i know its a strategy/game changing event... as its not what were all used to..
i personally feel it should be like this.. if intel is lost on anything... it should slip back under the fog.. its simple.. you should not get free intel just cause the unit is a structure or cant move.... using that... we might as well show every idle unit on the map until it moves..
ive read your posts, and i can understand that this is a big change.. it should have been fixed in the first patch, i know why they did it this way... because some lazy arsed gpg employee goofed up.. for campaign maps.. that need to flash a building on the map as the objective.. rather than create a viewable area over that structure.. they made all structures viewable under the fog.. (or maybe it is a bug) it seems rather stupid to me..
mike said that he knows where the shop is so he doesnt have to pull out a map to find it.. imagine this.... you goto the shop you see it.. then you go home.. the next day you wake up and your blind... go find the shop now.. good luck!
this is the same principal as intel.. yes you know its there.. but if your eyes are gone.. how can you 100% be certain your at the correct place....
to me this is how intel works... in almost all other rts games ive played.. if you lose intel on anything... you have no idea where it is.. and cannot target under the fog..
ofcourse you can fireground at a location and hope you hit something of importance.. or you can use scouts/intel buildings like there supposed to be used..
getting free intel on buildings is just stupid.. i dont want the enemy knowing 100% how big my base is and exactly where a certain structure is on the map.. just because they have seen it once..
as for bulletmagnets sized strat icons... if i got help from some experianced ui modder, this would be 100% possible.. i can already add custom strat icons to unts..
however there is a small problem with moving the icon with the unit without it snapping to the units position every tick.. the ui updates every frame.. however the units position updates every tick.. so there is a little snap when the unit changes position what i need is some kind of extrapolation code to move the icon with the unit.. every frame instead of every tick..
that is all,
smart arsed comments welcomed..

im not going to argue over trivial things.. that none of the know the real reason such a thing was implimented.. whether its a bug or not..
some people will like this some wont, i stand by my personal feeling that buildings should not be visable or be targetable under the fog if you dont have intel on that building.
that is all..
good day kind sir.

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