I focused quite a while(about 2 months), to create a new UEF Unit.
whenever I had time to...
its a T3 Assault Mech...
after a while now that this came out
I think .. that my unit has succeeded very well, ..
or....what you think?
if anyone is interested ... I can upload the mod
Greetings|||Look very cool.

Looks good eddy of course we would like to taste it :)|||Eddy... I'm looking for a skilled modeler and skinner for 4DC. PM me if your interested.
Resin|||Nice ! Upload please !

I only wish I had your skill with modeling/texturing.|||Was the design inspired by mechwarrior by any chance? It looks good.|||oh wow .. so much interest I did not expect.....I'm glad
of course I will upload the mod tomorrow...
today I'm too tired...:/
WiseHero|||Looks awesome!...Waaait, This is a remake of that other T3 UEF bot you made, isnt it? The Design is nearly identical...with some improvments =p|||eddy i wouldnt mind porting it over to SC2 if your fine with it

I wanted to tell you changes,...in relation to the release!!
I think .., one or the other will not like it,...
but I got the offer, .. to let integrated my unit in one of the great and popular mods...!
that was a great honor for me,..
and i was very excited about it, .. and I think everyone understands it here, .. if I accept the offer...:)
that means about as much as ... please be a little more patience...

brandon007|||Congrats on you being on 4TH DC..Resin is one of the top guys, he and also Domino is preparing some crazy things for us :)
Although it means we have to wait, this is good news :)|||Man this thing looks so beast and just plain awesome. I personally would love to see it in SC, cause you know as true RTS fans that other game that cant be named, never existed

Anywho Id love it if you could upload this units somewhere as a mod, just it on its own, Id love to try it out ingame

DAMN YOU RESIN!|||brandon007|||That looks great! Though it really has more of a SupCom2 UEF look to it rather than a FA UEF look, but damn it looks good :)|||I have the unit working with 4DC.... just reworking the unit scripts and blueprint to optimize it. While the version Eddy originally sent me does work in game, the unit had signifigant problems targeting and tracking units that were close by.
When i am done the weapons will be able to target and fire on targets independantly of each other, reguarless of range. (Just like the Rampage bot)
Resin|||One thing... The bot needs a proper name.
Any ideas on what we should call this?
Resin|||I'd call it the Judicator Warmech|||The Judicator
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