Friday, April 13, 2012

[REL-WIP-SC2] Non-stupid Illuminate unit names

[:1]Non-Stupid Illuminate unit names V1
A simple merge mod

Well, I'm not sure what other people think of the current SC2 Illuminate unit names, but if you're like me, you think that they were thought up some time before the game designers were taken to the asylum. Well, cringe no more! This simple, DLC compatible mod switches out those goofy unit titles with names from the Forged Alliance Aeon arsenal.
(Please note: due to concern over compatibility with other mods, I have not changed any of the units names on the research tree, as I cannot hook/merge it.)
Here is a list of all the name changes I have made:
Yenzoo -> Obsidian
Harvog -> Flare
Sliptack -> Asylum
Crahdow -> Thistle
Bodaboom -> Restorer
Shotja (DLC) -> Striker
Fistoosh -> Evensong
Vulthoo -> Specter
Weedoboth -> Corona
HeeHola -> Aluminar
Urchinow -> Eliminator
Pulinsmash -> Siren
Space temple -> Portal
Darkenoid -> Czar
Airnomo -> Ascendant
Buhbledow (DLC) -> Absolver
Sooprizer (DLC) -> Transcender

(MediaFire, 1.22 KB)
Simply take zz_proper_names.scd and place it in your Supreme Commander 2 gamedata folder.
If you have any suggestions for more fitting names, I'd like to hear them!
Currently I just want to see how interested people are in this mod.|||Sorry but this mod would have to be the most point less mod i have ever seen who cares about unit names :?|||A lot of people, myself included, raged at the retarded names.|||liveordie|||slinki|||:lol: yeah, chris must have been smoking something good, but look on the bright side, it could have been these names;
Yenzoo -> dohickey (do hickey)
Harvog -> whatchamahcallit (what cha mah call it)
Sliptack -> thingahmahbob (thing ah mah bob)
Crahdow -> thingahmahjigger (thing ah mah jigger)
Badaboom -> thingy
Fistoosh -> contraption
Shotja -> sniping dohickey
Vulthoo -> flying dohickey
Weedoboth -> 2 n 1
Heehola -> all aboard
Urchinow -> Ear canal
Pullinsmash -> getovahere (get over here)
Space temple -> sending device
Darkenoid -> U.F.D (un-identified flying do hickey)
Airnomo -> anti-air contraption (or a.a.c)
:lol: :lol: :wink:|||damusolja|||:lol: 8)|||Image

They feel like an evolved in-joke that should have been euthanized long before becoming canon.|||I disagree with the idea that this mod is pointless.I mean, even though I've never been the biggest fan of the Aeon, but they still had their dignity and they fit nicely in the story. In SC2, they took that dignity out behind the wood shed and beat it to death with a folding steel chair. And I'm not even going to get into the story because we'll be here all day.|||:lol: yeah, the Aeon got the short end of the stick this time around. Seem's like it's always been about Cybran or UEF, but to me it's not the faction, it's the player using them.
Ive actually seen a guy kick 3 experienced human players assez and they were cheating (mass glitching). he was playing with aeon, so yeah they can kick butt, you just gotta take advantage of there tech, like the loyalty gun and space temple. :wink:

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