This mod allows up to 16 players in the game Forged Alliance.
It should work on all Forged Alliance patch levels since 3598.
--- Features ---
The main feature is 16 player support for maps.
The lobby screens and map filters were also adjusted to accommodate more players.
Other features:
-number of teams boosted to 8.
-extra team colors added.
-the main menu UI has been speeded up (no more annoyingly slow navigation).
-speeded up map preview screen: caching and preloading.
-the intro "logo" movies are skipped, just the Seraphim invasion of earth clip is shown.
downloaded to try it..
seems to work with a few errors.. sadly i dont have any 16 player maps..

cool that this is possible though.. well done!|||Some maps that support >8 number of players can be found on mod-db (the same site where the mod download is hosted).
Example link:|||LOL, although the support with this map is cool... id hate to be spawned at one of the spots on the inside.. i think id like an outer spawn point... lol inner spawned = OWNED!
good job pal... (thumbs up)|||Just how many players can the game technically support?|||I do not know if there is a hard limit in the game engine.
Other practical limitations - especially RAM usage - will limit it too.
With a reasonable number of units (500) per player you can quickly end up near 2 Gb of RAM. You can reconfigure the kernel on Windows XP to get up to 3 Gb for user processes. However, the ForgedAlliance executable would need to have been compiled&linked with some specific options to let it use the extra memory beyond 2Gb...|||In order to get access to more than 2 GB of memory (in Windows), you need something like the following:
The original exe doesn't need to be compiled & linked with some specific options. Only a particular flag needs to be set, which the above programs can do externally.
But I think GPG already set the flag for FA.|||Can you get a mirror link up please?
Both that site and filefront are now blocked for me from work. I have no internet at home to use....|||A great idea rattas! I Imagine playing on maps like Oceans Fortress with this many players. You'd need a good amount of upload to be able to participate though.
On making this more practical, you could add some code to allow this on any map, ie add the startpoints and mexes via script, should be possible in a lobbymod.
What mirrors CAN you access Fury? Mediafire, Rapidshare or somesuch? If rattas doesn't mind I can up it, otherwise you could just use some proxy to bypass the filters set.|||As far as I can tell, only the two I mentioned are blocked.|||I guess this could work for LAN games if everyone's got some pretty serious hardware, but I cannot possibly imagine > 8 player games online. Not only do you have a significantly increased chance of getting someone with a slow computer who kills everyone else's sim speed, but the amount of data being transmitted will increase radically (since each player has to communicate with each other player).
I don't remember the rough per-player datarate for an average FA game, but I think it's something like ~6kb/s. ~100kb/s doesn't sound all that bad compared to most US/Canadian cable upload rates, but most DSL and Euro cable upload rates aren't going to be able to handle that comfortably and reliably.
Neat idea, but definitely a niche thing.|||This could be so useful for games with very low unit counts.
Upping the player count opens up so much for custom maps.|||This would be great for LAN parties!

Are there any other maps besides the one link for more than 8 players?
From the picture, it looks like this is working with Sorian's LEM?
Great idea!|||I uploaded a total of 3 maps that support this, that were made or converted by myself.
These were meant as examples of what such maps look like and to whet people's appetite for >8player maps.

It is easy enough to convert any map you like. Instructions for that is in the readme.txt with the mod, but I'll quote it here:
Quote:|||Thanks, I've downloaded the map, and I'll give it a try to mod others when I have a chance.|||Spawn addition could be done procedurally with a fairly simple mod - find where the map .save is doscripted, and modify that table afterwards. It would be very easy to add spawns without adding mexes, but adding mexes procedurally might be tricky depending on the space available.
I suppose you could grab all mex locations within 20 or so of each spawn point and create another set that's offset ~5 toward the center, placing the new spawn between the innermost set.|||Tried this mod last night, and it worked great! But I'm wondering if it's possible to make it compatible with the Big Map Preview mod at: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=46383&start=0&hilit=big+lem
When the 16 player mod is in the gamedata directory and working, the Big map preview mod stops working. Any way to make this mod compatible with the Big map preview mod?
Thanks|||Only one .scd mod at a time can /schook a file, so no, there's no way to make them directly compatible without combining their code directly in any files that they both use.|||Gentlemen, we have found the most effective CPU torturing system:
Set it to 16 CPU's, and watch it go at 0.1 FPS.|||I've made a version that combines the big bap preview with the 16 player lobby. Turns out the only file in the big map preview mod was lobby.lua. I did a compare of this file across the 2 mods, and integrated the changes from the big map preview version into the 16 player version.
Works great! :)
Anyone interested in a copy that combines both, let me know.|||nice mod!
any chance this could work for gpgnet ?|||rattas|||I love the idea of this mod.
Thank you.
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