I would like a modification that increases all build times by two (on all units: x2), increases cost per mass and energy by two (on all units: x2), increase all hitpoints by two (on all units: x2). *EDIT* After some thought, to balance the increased hitpoints I would like to request that all damage be increased by 50% if possible. If there could be two versions, one with the damage increase and one without for testing purposes that would be great if its not too much trouble. Thank you :)
This modification would change game-play to be more enjoyable for myself! The reason for this is because I enjoy long and drawn out games. I am aware that there is a speed adjustment in game, but this change is more suitable as it will not make units slower just last longer in battle. Also, they are more expensive meaning it will take longer to make that push to tech two and three respectively and hopefully encourage prolonged usage of each affordable tech level.
This mod would be very much appreciated by myself and my friends who will be playing with me.
Also, is it possible that the code for this mod work with all units possilbe? Including units from other mods (like Black Ops and Fourth Dimension)?. If that is true, I would encourage that this modification work actively to all units whether added by other mods or not (vanilla Supreme Commander including Forged Alliance).
Thank you for considering this modification,
-Seven|||Both mods you asked for wouldn't be too hard. Just need to run a script in blueprints.lua (the script that loads all the games units/projectiles) which will cause ti to change all loaded units including other mods loaded before it.
The problem is going to be finding someone to do the work especially this time of year. Might be easier to learn to code it yourself but thats up to you :)|||Exavier Macbeth|||Very Basic Modding Guide, Little dated but still mostly correct and has information for unpacking game files: viewtopic.php?t=12880&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=
Useful Information Sticky, Contains alot of information threads for various purposes: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=2318
Mod Dev Support Forum, Good for asking questions of other moders on scripts : viewforum.php?f=19
:)|||For SCD files are simply zip files, rename the .scd to a .zip and extract it.
[ur=lhttp://supcom.wikia.com/wiki/Blueprint]Supreme Commander Wiki[/url] has a good section on blueprints explaining what a few of the lines do.|||lol actually what you would want to look at is the 2x Resorces mod made by GPG. Its in the mods.scd file. That uses the same type of hook i recommended to make global changes so all it would need to do is be modified :)
Edit: Ack shop talk in Mod Talk is bad... Knight may step on us

Thanks for the advice on scd files! You know its funny, I told myself that exact thing you mentioned. I said, "I should try renaming them to zip and see if they extract." But after I reasoned with myself that its incredibly unlikely that they are compiled with WinZip I didn't even try it!
I will try looking into the resources x2 modification and see if I can't find the variables to change everything I have asked for. Thanks again everyone :)
Ya after looking at the code my brain exploded :) That's ok, it will just take me some time to learn how to do anything and I probably won't start until my new computer arrives. In any case, of my two mod requests I would rather have the engineers disabled because I really would like to play that way.
Thanks again,
-Seven|||If you need any help or have specific questions feel free to post in the Mod Dev Support forum. Most of the modders with active projects visit there regularly and are more than willing to provide tips.|||Done: http://nubletsupreme.googlecode.com/fil ... rength.zip
Double cost, build time, hitpoints and regen, vet regen, and shield hitpoints and regen. When possible, it doubles enhancement hitpoints and regen as well, but some enhancements don't look at blueprint values for their health stats. Initial ACU output is doubled to 2/20 from 1/10 (or 2/40 from 1/20 if you're using 3603).
Toss the zip into your \mods folder and enable it in the Mod Manager - it's called Double-Strength. It should work with any mods, even those that do naughty things that they shouldn't be doing, as it checks all of the values it modifies. If you run into an issue with a particular mod, let me know.
Right now it does nothing to damage, because I don't see what the point of increasing both damage and hitpoints would be, and increasing damage is actually problematic due to the way certain enhancements add a flat amount of damage or some splitting projectiles set their own separate damage. Doesn't affect enhancement costs right now either - I just figured that it didn't really fit the nature of the request (in making each unit count twice as much for cost and toughness).
If you want enhancements doubled in cost and time as well, extract the zip file, change the 'enhancementCost' variable near the top of \hook\lua\system\Blueprints.lua to true, and either re-pack it into a zip or put it into its own folder within \mods. The same can be done for initial ACU output, by changing the 'startResourceMult' variable to 1. The mod's entire code resides in this file, if you want to see how it does things - it's pretty simple.
If you make changes to it, make sure you change at least one digit of the UID in mod_info.lua so the game treats it as a different mod, and give the changed version to anyone you want to play it with.|||Hm, upon further consideration, this might make ACUs a bit tough to kill in the first 30 minutes or so, as they're twice as tough yet have no problems killing other units very quickly with overcharge. Let me know if you find this to be a problem, and I can release a version that has the ACUs excepted from the basic HP and/or regen boost.|||lol mithy considering he wants to run it in conjunction with Blackops and I assume that includes BO:ACUs those changes may have some additional side effects

Edit: I see you're using percent buff values for regen. That'll take care of itself, since it should be modifying the unit's base regen rate?|||the only % based regen buff is the Seraphim's Area Regen field... All the others are static values found in each upgrades section of theu nits BP. Though they arn't called by any GPG code as I have my own regen thread for them. But i moved them to the BP so people could modify the values if they so chose.
Personally if your not boosting damage I would recommend not touching my ACU's enhancment regen. It can already get up to something like 400-800/sec and if you double it its going to make the ACUs a heck of alot harder to kill.|||Haha, go figure - the one enhancement I look at is a Sera regen aura. Welp. But yeah, it's probably high enough already.|||Mithy|||No problem. I tested this briefly, and SCUs and experimentals are reeeeally expensive and take a very long time to build, and also have 100k+ hp, so I'll make a version that skips ACUs, SCUs, and experimentals. There'll be options at the top of Blueprints.lua to turn these off individually. ACU starting resource multiplier will still be applied, but everything else will be skipped.|||http://nubletsupreme.googlecode.com/fil ... th_1.1.zip
Flags at the top of Blueprints.lua for re-enabling double everything on ACUs, SCUs, or experimentals. ACUs still get double starting resource output by default, even though they're exempt from other changes.
Remember to disable the old version and enable this version. I probably should have listed the old UID as a conflict for this version, but I forgot, so it'll allow both to be enabled, which would still double ACUs/SCUs/Exps and quadruple everything else.
Let me know if you want a version that only modifies mobile units, or mobile units and point defenses, or something like that.|||I just wanted to say thanks again for this mod Mithy. I have tested it out and I use it everytime I play the game now. THANK YOU!!!
The ability to change some of the attributes in the code easily is a very nice gesture and I appreciate that. I use the latest one you released so I can have control over SCUs and ACUs.
There is one thing though and it's more related to my "no engineers" mod (that I requested and you so kindly made for me), is there a way to make it so SCUs can't build t2 and t3 when they are summoned in? The reason I ask is because on long games (and with some settings I've messed with), I have my SC (with no engineers mod) at t2 but when I summon in SCUs it's like they are already buffed up and have everything. It would be nice if they needed to be upgraded like Supreme Commander.
Anyways thanks again! I play using this mod and the no engineers with friends. But between the two mods this one is played the most (as sometimes my friends like to use engineers).
Many thanks,
-Seven|||It would be possible, but it would require a lot more work, and have some side effects. Each SCU would need two new enhancements added to one of their existing slots, which would prevent the purchasing of any other upgrades on that slot.
Adding an enhancement isn't all that difficult, but deciding how much it should cost, which slot it should go on, and what other ways (if any) it buffs the unit, and then testing all of this would take quite a bit of time.
If you feel they're too effective when initially summoned, a much simpler solution would be to add the desired cost and build time of the T2/T3 enhancements to the SCUs themselves. This could be done with a simple blueprint mod like the other two.
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