I am working on mods for SC2. SC2 could benefit a lot from what has been learned by the FA community.
An example I have seen is a x2 Resources Mod so mexes and pgens produce x2 normal.
I have also heard players request a Slower Research Mod for SupCom2. To be honest, they were asking GPG for a 1/2 research exception, but it amounts to the same thing if you let it. A 1/2 research mod would probably have a decent fan base and would not be very hard to make.
Another example might be reduced (increased) Mass Convo Mod. A 1/2 (or a x2) production on Mass Converters might be popular. Since I am planning to nerf mass convo in my mod, having a x2 production mod might be of interest to players that like the current mass production levels.
Duncane made the only SC2 mod that I know of that could conceivably be merge-able. It is called Duncane Mass Extractor Balance Mod. It reduces the cost and health of mass extractors by 50% each making expansion more affordable but risky. With the right code this mod could functionally half the cost and health of any mods mexes. Duncane, please correct me if I have misrepresented your mod.
Machater's Formation Spread could be made into a mod that allows you to choose the size of a formation spread in your game. I discussed the idea with Machater. He is open to someone else creating the merge mod.
With a good global code, we could create an Improved Mass Reclaim Mod. This would go very well with a halved research mod. This would be an excellent mod for people who like SupCom2 but want to play a more FA style game.
I was wondering what other merge mods are available, unique and/or popular? How do they work? I am sure there will be things outside the scope of SC2. I still want to hear about it. I have FA and I want to play the best mods regardless.
I will probably try them out if they sound fun and if they are compatible with SupCom2 modding they might be introduced in SupCom2 as well.
I thought I would bring this up, because I think that despite limitations there is a lot of low hanging fruit for SC2 merge mods and the surface hasn't been scratched yet. Also, we have a lot better mod support and easier merging now thanks to the new mod switcher SC2MM, so if there were products now available players might be more interested in mounting them.
Thank you!
Bast|||Be careful about porting other peoples' ideas into SC2. Ideas are still IP. Best to get permission first.
Re: SC2MM, a lot of people were reporting errors using it to try and install Revamp 1.0 Final. So, there are some bugs to work out on this front.
If you ask nicely, maybe BlackOps will port their units and ACU upgrades over to SC2. That would create a very, very nice SC2 experience if merged with Revamp.|||Overall porting units straight form FA/FAMods is a flawed concept IMO, Even more so if you are only adding them on to what is already present in SC2.
Mike|||OrangeKnight|||OrangeKnight|||OrangeKnight|||@Bastilean: You are correct. If you have my mass extractor mod installed it will effect any other mods too. As long as two mods are not using the Merge=true and updating the same fields then they should be merge-able.
Of course in practice it doesn't always make sense to have 2 balance mods installed unless they are only modifying something minor (and different) from each other. I only used the merge flag so I didnt need to distribute the whole bp.scd file

It can still be done without replacing any .scds, by placing an edited copy of Blueprints.lua within /mods/DLC1/shadow/lua/system, but if two such mods attempt this, only one of them will take effect.
Actually, now that I think about it, there's a way around that.
A simple support mod with a modified Blueprints.lua could do a DiskFindFiles in a custom folder (e.g. /blueprintmods) and doscript all .lua files within it into the Blueprints.lua environment, effectively allowing them to hook global functions like ModBlueprints and LoadBlueprints. This mod could also be done without .scd replacements, and would be compatible with any mods that don't need to directly replace Blueprints.lua for some reason.
Edit: Haha, actually, I think you can even do this within a .bp file already. They're doscripted right into the RuleInit global environment. Never even occurred to me to try that in FA, because you could use a normal hook, but it should still work.
Edit 2: Confirmed: You can hook ModBlueprints right from within a .bp file.|||This topic made me want this global editing tool in use.
You and Pyrrha got the ball rolling with the global blue prints modifications solution thread. Also, when you described how you could merge multiple .bp files together as long as each has a separate file name but utilizes the same file ID.
I think it would be profit:
A) Produce the above merge mods to work together.
B) Get people on track putting these type of mods in the correct format you layed out here:
Since Duncane is the only existing merge type mod maybe we can give him a hand or if he wants someone can produce it and give him credit as the design inventor.
Examples of why it might be important to use the right .bp Merge file format include but are not limited to:
-A Core Content mod may want to change the UEF mex pd firing rate of the .bp.
-A x2 resource mod will want to change the production rate of the .bp.
The above are examples of why its important to have mods that best share the original file through proper use of Merge = true. The value will stack as mods (options) increase.|||Bastilean|||Quoted from this thread. We were off topic:
Mithy|||Figured out a simple way to allow any number of mods to hook any file post-init. This effectively allows all mods using this method to coexist, and eliminates the need to replace any .scd files for nearly any reason.
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