Monday, April 16, 2012

SupCom_Modding Network on Hamachi

Join the hamachi network SupCom_Modding, pw: 9021, and chat with GPG regulars. Sometimes just a quick chat can help you find a bug in your code or answer a quick question.
Hamachi is lightweight, avoids the overhead of Steam, and allows you to quickly share files if needed.|||By "avoids the overhead of Steam", you mean, "Avoids the overhead of that program you have to have running to test code?"? Because that seems more than a tad silly to me. Especially as Steam is pretty lightweight itself.|||1. I run all my debugging in off-line mode.
2. Avoids chit-chatting with Steam friends and potentially annoying interruptions not involved with modding.
3. The hamachi network is a group for general SupCom modding, which includes 1 + FA, so no Steam in that case;
4. Everyone has to find and friend everyone else through Steam, which is annoying and unecessary for the purpose of the thread.
5. Some people have slow internet connections that running Steam is a pain in the arse.
Hamachi: a centralized location that's simple.
We're already a few using it and more have confirmed that they will get on.|||Why not.
Without a significant existing venue to splinter, I can't find the harm.|||Isn't that essentially the point behind these forums :?:|||Sometimes its inconvenient to have to pop in and out of the forums in between debugging. Not everyone likes to have the forums automatically log them in, so after a period of time you get automatically logged out, then you have to log back in, then navigate through the forum sections to find the right thread, then scroll to the end.
Opening up a chat window, cut+paste a few lines of code, and try and find the syntax error, or a quick coding suggestion, can sometimes be a lot more convenient. There's also a group chat feature so it's easier for multiple people to look at the same piece of code and discuss at the same time.
I'm not discouraging from posting on the forums. Just want to ease things a bit in the trivial circumstances.
Also consider that questions aren't always posted on the forums as it is already, but rather through pm's.
If you have a question and get it solved through a chat, then I still encourage people to post the problem and solution on the forums for the benefit of others.|||There's also the Sup2 modders. I'll pester Pawz to make me an admin. and start inviting people if there's interest.|||??? I meant the above network to be all-embracing anything SupCom (1+FA+2).|||I'm on now, seems a good place to hang out.|||IRC > *|||Had a bad experience with irc, so not going back. Also, I use hamachi frequently for its main intended purpose, so it's convenient to extend its use this way.|||Show us on the user interface where the bad chat client touched you...|||It was a long time ago and i got hacked. Been scarred ever since :?|||Fair enough. Most IRC clients and networks now have some manner of address obfuscation available, though.

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